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Posts posted by jkwpete

  1. And now...a break in our regularly-scheduled broadcast...


    ...for all of you dealing with the blizzard...and snow...and are dreaming of sand and sun and blue water:





    That was where I was at in St. Maarten...just a few weeks ago....sigh.


    I'm not known for my amazing photography skills, but I am pretty darned proud of that photo. ;)



    DW and I will be on the Allure in early April and am loving your EPIC review. I read your Med review and am currently re-reading the Freedom OTS review to try to convince DW that we should go on it in October for her major birthday milestone. I know its not proper to say which number.

    Your photo for us in New England watching the snow fall is very nice. I am lucky enough to be north of the worst of the storm, but we are still getting a sizable amount. Your review is making the weather more bearable (by being able to ignore it.) :)

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