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Posts posted by Dewsmom

  1. Hi LynnAB


    I am a fan of audio books, too. I use them when I do my workouts. I get into the book and before you know it 30 minutes on the treadmill or bike have flown by.


    Try going to http://www.booksfree.com. You sign up and then can download books for free. There isn't a huge selection, but the price is right.


    Also, I find books on tape for very low prices at garage sales, estate sales, and discount stores such as Tuesday Morning or Big Lots. I either use my Walkman for those, or I play them into my computer and then convert and download to my MP3. (I have a Creative Zen and really like it.)


    By the way, I liked the first couple of books in the Outlander series and then lost interest. Don't know why.

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