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Posts posted by smg669

  1. I would have been ok to tunaround if my daughter was not so upset. it made things so much worse for me but I was ultimately able to leave with my head held high hoping that i'd be able to catch up to them in the Bahamas. I woke up with all the energy and hope that a new day brings but as the sun sets I am realizing I am beat. Not the end of the world but I know she'll only have one 16th birthday. Unfortunately you don't get a chance to "fix" every mistake but you can learn from them. I'm a big boy LOL!!


    Purchase brand brand new car as birthday gift for 16 year old daughter. I'm thinking something in a convertible. Problem fixed!

  2. does anyone know which beach in cozulmel smg669's photo of the little girl was taken? its gorgeous.


    I know! I know!


    It was taken at Nachi Cocom. We've been there twice and loved it both times.


    And NoobCroozer, oddly enough I left my fancy D-SLR on board that day. That shot was taken with my wife's humble Powershot S500 point-and-shoot. Just goes to show that it's not the gear that makes a great picture.

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