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Posts posted by maaaaattt

  1. 15 minutes ago, Iamcruzin said:

    You can take that statement all the way to the bankruptcy.... I mean bank.

    I hate to say it but the news today of $3.3B in senior secured debt to pay back the $2.3B loan from March, with the entire fleet as collateral, is really telling. 

    I wish no harm to the company I love. But it doesn’t look good. 

    • Like 4
  2. 3 hours ago, tascoa said:

    Tarheel3559, thank you for relaying this information. 

    I’m sorry you were e-bullied by one of the MAIN (all caps for effect) reasons more posters don’t participate in this forum.  

    Thanks for saying this, tascoa. I’ve been watching a very select few ruin these boards for years with their holier than though attitudes. It’s such a shame that you can’t make a harmless mistake without someone clamoring to be the first to jump down your throat. My guess is real life just isn’t fulfilling enough for some. 

    Glad others notice what I notice. 


    • Like 9
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  3. The question is who would buy these ships anytime soon? If the big three are going out of business, there probably aren’t a whole lot of people pounding down doors to invest billions into a struggling industry. 

    More curious then I am to see what RCI, NCL and Carnival does is how a new line like Virgin enters the market as it goes down the crapper. Maybe they are the ones that start buying up some ships?

  4. The cruise director doesn’t make or break a cruise for me personally, but he or she certainly can improve it or have me walking away disappointed in the entertainment. My personal favorite has and probably always will be Jimmy Rhodes. 2nd up is Ricky Matthews.


    I’m going to be on Mariner on July 6th and I’m dying to know the handover date. I hope Ricky will still be on....

  5. Hey Matt!


    Have been following the 'scopes. Bummer about the weather. Hope today is nicer.


    Friends of mine were on the Oasis last week doing the western run & also had crappy weather. Gotta be the transition from summer to fall/winter. I am in Palm Beach County & we have had way more clouds then sun the last week or so.


    Your scope from Boardwalk showed our March 2017 cabin above JRs. Thanks!







    Last few days have been gorgeous. We lucked out at the end, and I'm sure Royal is very happy about how beautiful it was for the "3 sisters" yesterday. :-)


    I lived in Boynton for a few years. Beautiful part of the state!

  6. Just giving this a shameless bump. We are about half way through our cruise and having a great time!


    Please follow on Periscope. If anyone would like to see me Scope from a particular spot, let me know here. Also, I'll track down answers to any questions you guys may have. We have two back to back sea days coming up and I'll have plenty of free time.


    See you on Periscope!



  7. Hey folks!


    It's time once again for a week of LIVE Periscope broadcasts from Allure of the Seas. For the next 7 days, I'll have all the events covered from this VERY special Halloween sailing.


    The best part? Next Friday the three sisters... Oasis, Allure and Harmony will meet at sea somewhere between Florida and the Bahamas.


    Please add M_W_M_K on Periscope to join the fun.


    If you have any questions you would like answered, or if you have suggestions for broadcasts, post here and I'll do my best.


    Can't wait to have you all aboard with me on Allure of the Seas!

  8. We were in Panoramic Ocean View cabin #1806. The room set up and the huge window were very much better than any other ocean view cabin we have sailed on. During our 11 day adventure r/t Australia we did not feel any more ship motion than in prior sailings in other locations. To us the biggest negative is that the cabins have limited elevator service often requiring us to walk across the open pool deck which is often slippery and in inclement weather just plain dangerous. We had to plan ahead which route to take depending on the weather and the ship,s motions.


    Do you by any chance have any pictures of #1806? I just booked this stateroom and I'm so curious about the layout and view.

  9. This topic came up at a Q&A with Michael Bayley this week on the Allure. After someone asked about having a ship on the west coast, a bunch of people cheered and clapped. Michael than asked everyone where they were the last time a ship was there. He said the top brass are constantly talking about it and someone high on the RCI totem pole is a big proponent of a return, but that he just doesn't see it as a profitable option at this time.

  10. I watched all of your scopes, Matt -- all were excellent and so much fun. I get on the Allure this Sunday -- sailed the Oasis in February so know pretty much what to expect and am excited.


    You've mentioned trying solo for the first time. I did that a few years ago on an 8 nighter from Baltimore -- it was a wonderful itinerary including Bermuda and Newport - in June. I enjoyed my tablemates - and absolutely loved being by myself all day! I loved doing what I wanted and when I wanted -- I did not have to worry if anyone else was having a good time :rolleyes: It was delightful.


    You will have a different perspective that cruise -- which might not be a bad thing at all!


    Look forward to more of your scopes!



    Thank you!


    I have a feeling I will have a very similar experience. [emoji16]

  11. I won't get to stressed about going solo, You seem like a very outgoing person so you should have no problem making friend's on your solo cruise.

    I have gone solo many times and have met some great people and now I cruise with some of them when I go solo.



    I appreciate the kind words. It'll be different, but knowing myself, I'm sure I will survive. It's something I've always wanted to try.


    People that do it swear by it, so there must be something great about it! [emoji5]

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