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Posts posted by plaugh

  1. Good Morning everyone!!! This will be my last post until I return from my cruise.


    Annie- I am now a size 8 and I am very happy where I am, I used to be a 6 but I think that was too skinny!

    I am going on the Conquest to Jamaica, Grand Caymen and Cozumel!



    I hope everyone has a great week!!!!!



  2. Hello everyone!! I am soo excited I leave on Sunday!!! I have been strong and resisted temptation. I dont know if I will be that strong on the ship!!!


    Annie- How are you doing? I would like to hear the swimsuit story!!


    Jean- you make me smile!!


    Tom- Hope you are having a wonderful cruise!


    Lisa- hang in there girl!! I am a size 8 to 10. Not everyone can be a size 2!!!!!


    To everyone else have a great day!!!!

  3. Good Morning everyone!!!! My cruise leaves in 5 days!!!! I am soo excited! I cheated over the weekend, and am not proud of myself but I am back in induction. I have hit my goal weight, and I dont want to gain any back!!! I just want to maintain. Anyway hope everyone is doing well.


    Annie- Welcome back!!!!

  4. How is everyone? Its pretty quiet in here!!! I have managed to stay storng and turn down homemade cookies yesterday!!!! It was soo hard but I want to look good in my bikini on the cruise!!


    Annie how is your new program working for you?



    Ok well have a great day everyone!!!!!

  5. Lisa- Yes you are right about guilt, theres not alot I can do about it now!!! And yes I enjoyed it soo much!!! I miss mexican food, it is my favorite!!!


    Annie- No, you are not a bad influence, I just had a weekend of weakness, but its ok Im back on track today!!! I do want to fit into the dress!!! I hope your new program works well for you!!!


    Have a great night everyone!!!!!

  6. Well it sounds like everyone had an exciting weekend! I bought my formal dress for my cruise, but I also cheated alot this weekend!!

    I feel sooo guilty, and I gained back 2 lbs, probably water but still!!!

    I had enchiladas and a few mexican martinis!!!! It was sooo good, but those things are loaded with sugar! I am back on the straight and narrow for the next 2 weeks.

  7. Good morning all!! I am soo excited I lost another 2 lbs!!! Sometimes I think that the scale is wrong but I got on it 4 times to be sure!!!! I am going to do most of my shopping this weekend for the cruise.

    How are you doing Annie? Do you have a Mr Gattis pizza where you are? They have wings that are not spicy or fried and they are very good!!!


    Tom, mmmmm that ice cream sounds sooo good!!!! 30 lbs!!!! Wow that is awesome!!!!! When is your cruise?

  8. Annie hang in there, I didnt lose any weight for 3 weeks when I started and then one day whoosh I lost 10 lbs. I know it wasnt 10 lbs in one day but you know what I mean. Then another 2 weeks before I lost again. Everybody is different, I use to stress over it but now I just try to stick with it and hope that the weight comes off and it has. I think our hormones have a lot to do with it. I know you will lose the weight!!!

  9. I didnt really do anything different, I just ate 1 cup of salad greens with most of my meals. I only ate meat and salad greens. And I have started measuring my dressing...I know that I have gotten lax and have been eating more carbs than I should!!




    I have been on Atkins since May 15th. I am going to shop for a "skinny " formal this weekend!! I am sooo excited! I have decided that my main goal right now is to maintain this weight loss, and if I lose a little more before the cruise great but if not then I am not going to stress over it!!!! Just keep doing what your doing you will lose the weight!!!

  10. Hi! I have been on Atkins for about 2 an a half months. I have lost about 20 lbs, which is great. I am wanting to lose about 8 more before my cruise on August 26th. I seem to have stalled, does anyone have any tips to help me lose the last 8?

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