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homeschool mom

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Posts posted by homeschool mom

  1. Well, I thought I better check in. 50 days till my cruise. I went to Marshall's, never found the syrup. Oh, well, I'll keep my eyes open.


    I have had such a hard time this week. I'm kinda pre-menepausal I guess you would say. Haven't had a cycle in 2 - 3 months. The last few days I have wanted to eat everything in sight and I have! Well, got my visitor this morning. Maybe now I can get back on track with the diet. I guess it really does effect everything. I got on the scale and lost those couple of pounds I couldn't shake for 2 weeks.


    I'm going back to induction and see if I can't get my body losing again.

  2. Hi Jocelyn, Did not make it to Marshalls this past week. I'll try next week. I really want to try this syrup everyone raves about.


    Tom, thanks for the kind words. My DH is a public school teacher, that should tell you why we home school. He did not want them mixed up in that system that teaches to the test. Our kids are very well rounded. One reason they love home schooling is it gives them the opportunities and time to persue their passions. Our DS just finished his Eagle Scout Project. This cruise is also a reward for a job well done.


    It's been a terrible week with the diet. Did not cheat too much. But I'm just not getting the exercise. I guess that's the reason I'm not losing. :confused: I'm going to try to talk my DH into shopping for a treadmill this weekend. It's just to hot in South Texas to walk outside.


    Donna, you think you could send us some of the Fall weather down here?;)


    I'm going to the grocery store in the morning and buy what I need to make those muffins, YUM! :p



  3. Jocelyn- Wow, Marshall's hum! I know where I'm going tomorrow. I've searched every Wal Mart in town as well as every grocery/healthfood. I'll let you know if I succeed. If I do, someone will have to tell me what to do with them :rolleyes:


    Tom-Thanks for all the encouragement. Actually I do have a lot of time. Even though I home school both my teenagers, they take co-op classes Tueday and Thursday mornings. There is no reason after dropping them off I can't get home and exercise, expect my excusses :( I get on my exercise bike every morning as soon as I get up. I just can't go very long. I'm am very out of shape and know I need to take it slow to build up. I do weights every morning also. I'm really waiting for the cooler weather, down in South Texas it is still in the 90's and humid. I can't wait till I can start walking again in the mornings. I'm even planning on working in the yard, doing those squats ;)



  4. Hi Guys, Still trying to figure if I'm doing something wrong. I just finished my second week of induction. I lost 7 pound the first week and nothing the second. I hope my is water weight also. :o


    I took my DS and DD to Subway today for lunch. I ordered the grilled chicken with lots of veggies on a wrap. Then I ate the chicken and veggies only using the wrap as a plate. Scraped it clean! :D The only bad part I sent my teenage DS to get my drink. Instead of diet soda, he got me regular soda. :eek: I knew that thing tasted pretty good, just thought I was really getting the hang of the taste of diet soda or was just really thirsty. :(


    Thanks for all the input. I love reading everyone's journey.

  5. Jocelyn, I' having the same issue here! I weigh myself everyday, heck, even several times a day. This is the end of my second week of indication. My weight has is the same it was at the beginning of the week! I try to tell myself I did lose 7 pounds the first week, and if that was mainly water, maybe my body is catching up with it. What do you other losers think?

  6. I had been weighing myself on a scale I have at home for years. It's the old fashion one that the dial moves back and forth. Then you have to kinda figure the number.


    I went out and bought one of those digital scale. I wanted to "see" the numbers go down. To my surprise the new scale "added" 15 pounds to me. UGH!!!!. Talk about a depressed moment. Well I got over it. Luckily I waited to start on Atkins after I bought the new scale! So I'm moving down off the "new" number.

  7. Hi Guys, I'm one of those Lurkers, been hangining around for about a week. I went to the beginning of this thread and read all of it. You guys are great. I started Atkins 12 days ago. I have lost 7 pounds so far. I'm amazed that I have not even been tempted to cheat. I think having my cruise 9 weeks away gives me a goal and a target date. No more putting it off, now's the time. I did Atkins last year and lost about 40 pounds. I'm proud to say I did not gain any back, but it's time to start losing more. I need to drop about 70 pounds!


    I tried the chicken with the parmasan cheese from SFS website. It was fabulous. I have to tell you: I was watching Food Network this afternoon, Giada with "Everyday Italian" used the exact same recipe, except she used bite size fresh Broccolli and Califlower. It looked tasty. What a great idea. Also thinking about trying it with shrimp, yummy, fried shrimp!


    Glad to finally step in to say hi! I'll be hanging around!



  8. Okay, thanks for the infomation on the Galveston hotels. I went to Galveston.com and found many that offer free parking during the cruise. But I could not tell how far each was located to the pier.


    Which hotels are walking distance to the pier? I don't want to mess with a taxi. My dh could drop the kids and I off with luggage, go park the car and walk back to the ship.

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