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Posts posted by travelloverontario

  1. Thank you all so much.


    I have not cancelled yet, so that is something! Lol


    Some days I am determined to go and am fully on board (pun..haha), but other days I am ' no way... what am I thinking...I will be lonely and depressed.. I am not going!!'


    So... another few weeks before final decision (final pay date).


    Your comments encourage me 🙂

    • Like 1
  2. Well this sounds like a great idea for me. I will be travelling solo, so may not want to lose my seat while I go for lunch!! The 'free' options sound good to me!

    I am sailing 'basic' (no plus or premier), can I order water to come as well (just plain tap water..not bottled)?

  3. I am glad I came upon this thread.


    1) I could not find a way to determine which cabins hold 2, 3, or 4 people.  Am I being daft? Where on the deck plans (or elsewhere)  can I find this?


    2) I ended up calling and asking how many people my specific cabin held. They first told me they didn't know and that they couldn't tell me!!! I was like...what??? You work there and you don't know that information? They put me on hold and came back and told me it held 2 people (which is good as I am travelling solo and do NOT want to be bumped). 


    However, I am not convinced he actually knew, and would like to check online. 

    Any suggestions?

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  4. 29 minutes ago, jeromep said:

    @travelloverontario you mention that this is your first with Princess.  So you are checking off two "adventures" at once.  Others have commended about solo travel, which I think is a great option.


    Princess is a very different vibe from RCI.  There is less "stuff" on board to entertain you.  I don't get the impression that you are into climbing walls, waver riders, and water slides.  If so, I think you are going to be disappointed. There is very little, if any, corporate co-branding on Princess.  You won't find Starbucks or other big brands (Tim Horton's has better coffee anyway).  Princess has done, and continues to do "celebrity chef" co-brands in their dining rooms and specialty restaurants, but my cat has a longer attention span than Princess does in terms of keeping those "celebrity chefs" around.


    If you stick to the MDR and ask to join a group table, I'm sure you will find nice folks to chat with and maybe some shoreside travel companions.  We've always met nice folks to chat with on board, and sometimes have had the opportunity to join each other on shore, or meet up for lunch or dinner on board later on in the cruise.


    The Emerald Princess is one of the older Grand class ships.  Some folks split hairs about there being Grand class ships and Jewel class ships, but it is a Grand class hull design and the interior follows the Grand class layout.  Best place on those ships to spend a sea day or time between ports that is quiet and out of the way is up at Skywalkers.  It is a nightclub, but during the day is almost always just unused lounge space.  You are way up high behind the stack and have nearly 360 degree views of the ocean.  It is one of my favorite places to hang out because it is quiet, not many folks are up there, and the views are stellar.


    Not sure what else to share.


    I think you are going to have a great time.

    Thanks for giving me some great information on the ship. I have never been on a RCI ship. I have most recently (last 4 cruises)  been on Celebrity...Summit and Reflection. So smaller, no bells and whistles. I prefer a smaller and quieter ship.

  5. 23 minutes ago, memoak said:

    Issues for single women in Canadian and US ports ?  If people feel that why do they even leave the house ?

    I have already been to most of the places we are going to during land vacations. I would feel totally comfortable  walking around on my own during the day. And if it was dark I know where to stay in the more touristy areas. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Lady Arwen said:

    All I want to say is that I hope you have a lovely cruise.  Yes, it will be different, but it could also be your new beginning.  All you need to do is put one foot in front of the other and slowly move forward.  Remember, you are brave, you are strong, you are beautiful and you are special.  Please get back to us when you return.  I would love to hear all about your cruise.

    Oh my...thank you so much. It has been a tough go here lately, so  your affirmations are lovely.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, cr8tiv1 said:

    I have done this cruise.  I have sailed solo (not on this cruise).  You will enjoy your respite.  Do as much/as little as you want.  Sometimes, one has to put themselves first.  Join your roll call.  Let them know you are traveling solo.  Strike up a conversation in the Piazza, the lounges outside Explorer's Lounge, share a table (if you are comfortable).  


    Do not let your guard down when out and about.  There is still some danger for a single woman while on land.  


    I was on the Caribbean Princess in July.  It took me almost a week to get into the cruise mindset.  I wondered why.  Then it dawned on me that the ship had many new cruises and kids.  It was just a different vibe from my fall cruise (same itinerary).  Much calmer and peaceful.

    That is one of the reasons I chose a 10 day in the fall...hopefully fewer kids and less of a  'party' atmosphere.


    And...thank you for the advice.

    • Like 1
  8. Oh my...well I did it!!!


    I booked my first solo cruise. I have travelled before with my husband and/or kids and loved it.


    My son passed away from cancer less than 2 years ago, and my youngest child left home a few months ago...so I am feeling very sad and in need of a 'pick-me-up' (although there really is NO pick-me-up after losing a child ).

    My husband works and is also getting chemo right now for brain cancer, so he cannot travel.

    That means...if I want to go somewhere...I need to go alone.

    I have been reading reports of others who travel solo and been checking out the Solo boards... and decided I may be able to do this!!!


    My last few cruises have been with Celebrity...which I LOVE, but a similar cruise cost me almost 3 times as much with them 😞

    So...after lurking on the Princess boards, and much research, I decided on a 10 day Canada/New England cruise out of Quebec City. As I live in Canada it will be easy for me to get to, and I will feel closer to home. I also have some family in Halifax who I can see for a day at port.


    So two biggies for me...from a person who does not like change and who struggles with anxiety.. new cruisline and cruising solo.


    I am sure I will be on these boards asking questions about the Emerald ship,  and Princess in general...and I thank you in advance.


    There is not really a question in here...it is more of a 'oh my goodness I have done something exciting but now I am getting nervous' post. 

    Any tips, encouragement, or soothing words are welcomed...lol

    • Like 9
  9. I BOOKED!!!

    I chose a 10 night Canada/New England cruise. I figured being from Canada it qas a good first step. The first several ports and embarkation port are all in Canada and most I have been to already so feel very comfortable with them. I can also use my phone and regular data at all of those ports (although not at sea).

    My brother lives near Halifax so he can come meet me on that day, and maybe even the Charlottetown day as well. That means I will have some company...family company... at least once during the trip.


    I will be closer to home and 'feel' closer to home. I thought that may lessen my anxiety. 


    I have until June to cancel so I have a bit of time to think about it, but at least it is booked... and that is a great first step.


    Perhaps travelling alone and having time alone will also help me process my son's death a little bit. 😞

    • Like 6
  10. Hi,


    This is not a smoking debate post... but an information gathering post.


    I am used to sailing on Celebrity, so there is very little smoke, and it is quite easy to avoid it, and of course it is all outside.


    I have a smoke (cigarette, cigar, campfire) intolerance so try to avoid smoke as much as possible. I also have an aversion to the smell so it is safe to say...I REALLY want to avoid it...lol


    I won't be using the casino or the nightclubs (unless they have game shows or trivia in that venue). However I do want to be able to get from one area of the ship to another (inside) without having to walk through it or close to it. What areas should I avoid? I have read even the main atrium is often smokey due to drifting from other areas...is this true?


    I have sailed NCL before (years ago) and really did not enjoy going anywhere near the casino and did what I could to avoid it, but still smelled it in many areas. Way too much smoke for my liking 😞


    I am considering a solo cruise to Canada/New England in September and the Emerald is SO much cheaper than Celebrity. I am so very tempted, but the biggeat drawback for me is the smokey smell.


    Does anyone have personal experience and thoughts? I know it largely depends on how many smokers are on board, but generally speaking, how do you find the smoke? And...how easy or hard is it to avoid?  Any cabins or floors I should stay away from so I don't smell it in the hallway or cabin (likkely ocean view)?


    Thank ypu so much 🙂

  11. Texasstar... someday I would love to try a river cruise!

    But if I try a solo cruise I would prefer to stay closer to home (still far away, but same aide of the world..lol) and in an area I have been a few times before. I think it would just make me feel more comfortable and secure.

    Also... sailing with Celebrity brings me some familiarity.


    Good idea for the future though...thanks 🙂

  12. Hi, I think we were on 6107, so just beside.

    The location was not great for me and I will never sail that far forward again. We took a chance on balcony guarantee...this one time only.. and it was not in our favour.. lol


    It was above the theatre and our floor sometimes vibrated due to the noise/bass. They would have 1 or more rehearsals during the day, and of course 2 shows in the evening. Not ideal, but not awful.


    What we disliked the most was the 'forward' part. I do get motion sickness and chew ginger tabs twice daily to help. It did not really bother me for the first few days, but once the seas got a little rough.. it felt like our cabin was bobbing for apples. Up and down... up and down. It made me never want to be in the cabin, and sleep was tough. I did take gravol a couple of times, but they make me extremely tired, so tried to minimize taking them. And during the day I avoided going to the  cabin.


    If you are not prone to motion sickness, (or be bothered by theatre noise) the location is good. We did not find the distance for walking the hall bad at all.

    • Like 1
  13. I can't thank you all enough for your thoughful replies 🙂


    Most days (or most moments of a day) I feel like I could do this, but there are those bottom times where I feel I would be gutted with lonliness and meaninglessness somehow. 


    I think I am going to try a small road trip by myself, although that does not equate to a cruise. On a  road trip I am driving alone...eating alone... sighseeing alone... so it will be far more 'lonely'. One thing I love about cruises is how many activity options there are. I can join a team for trivia, chat with my tablemates at dinner and game shows. Usually we end up running into 'new friends' throughout the cruise, so it seems more like a big group rather than me alone. I can also take group excursions,etc. A solo road trip is SO different. However it may get me used to being alone for a few days and see how I feel about that.


    I think being able to call or facetime home would be huge for me! And hopefully find a few connections onboard.


    i am really enjoying reading everyone's responses...even if they differ. It gives me some great perspectives!! And I thank you for that.


    It gives me great courage to read from those of you who have tried this and really enjoy it!

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  14. I want to thank you all for your responses. Yes, we have and continue to have a tough go.


    It is comforting to know that some of you have felt homesick but were able to overcome it.


    You have passed along some very concrete ideas I had not thought of. One..  maybe just get an oceanview cabin instead of a balcony (just in case..lol).

    Two... get a premium wifi package. I have never gotten any wifi package and love not using my phone while cruising, however in this case, being able to speak with my daughter or husband may make all the difference. Is the premium wifi strong enough to facetime?

    Three... that if/when I start feeling that dark pit of dread... to go somewhere public for a nap or  do something to clear my head... and to purposely NOT stay in the cabin.

    Four.. I can still visit and sit at the bar to chat and meet others and just buy a virgin drink...might be fun actually!


    I prefer at least 7 night cruises, as it is often a different clientelle and not as much of a party feel. It also doesn't make practical sense for me to go through all of the expense and effort to fly all the way to Florida for just a 3 or 5 night cruise. But honestly, maybe a shorter cruise is worth considering given the circumstances. But then again... that may end up being more stressful..lol


    Maybe I will try to do a short road trip near where I live (as someone suggested) just for a night or 2, and see how I feel. Even if I end up visiting a friend or something...at least most of the roadtrip would be solo. I am going to Nova Scotia again by myself soon, so that will also be telling. Even though I will be staying with him, part of my travels will be solo. (I flew there alone last April as well...but again, was with him and his wife the whole time there).


    I feel pulled to do this...to book a cruise solo.. but then fear creeps in. Not fear of cruising, not fear of 'being' alone... but the fear of 'feeling' alone and of things going dark. Of seeing people there with their family...their spouse...their kids.. their friends... etc.

    And then feeling very alone and isolated and 'sorry for myself' that I do not have that (even if it is not true..often feelings are irrational).


    You have all given me things to think about and I will continue to ponder.


    Again... thank you for your encouragement!!!

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    • Thanks 1
  15. Jim...thanks for the reply.


    That is a pretty good idea, to do a shorter trip closer to my home. My concern with that is I would have almost the entire time alone. Drive time would be alone, hiking and activities would be alone, all eating would be alone. That is why I would prefer a cruise. An all inclusive may work but I enjoy a cruise WAY more than an AI.


    At least with a cruise, I am with the same people for a week... and it is easier for me to make social connections.  There are also SO many things on a cruise to keep me occupied. So many activities like trivia I can join.. a pool... music, etc.


    Where I live I am not sure a road trip would work for me. 


    I am heading to Nova Scotia alone this June to see my brother. Travel will be alone, but I will stay with him. I am however spending 2 days in Halifax by myself at the end.. so maybe that will give me an indicator.


    The 'old' me would have done this in a heartbeat...but the 'new, but NOT improved' me...the one since my son got sick... is not so sure.


    I will keep thinking on it.


    I have read some posts about women going alone after their husbands died.... takes a lot of courage.  My son's passing has kind of destoyed my courage, but I am starting think I MAY be able to do this!!!


    I appreciate your thoughts.

  16. Hi 🙂


    I am not sure how to start this, but will just dive in. Please forgive my lack of proper writing!!


    Long read.. sorry


    Female, almost 60, married, non-drinker


    I have taken 8 cruises, 4 of them with my husband and all 4 children, 3 with just my husband and I, and my most recent one last March with just my adult daughter. I LOVE CRUISES!!!!!


    Less than two years ago I lost my 31 year old son to cancer. From diagnosis to when he passed was a quick hell journey of only 3 and a half months. My daughter (a Registered Nurse) and I were his caregivers. Needless to say I am still pretty broken and griefstricken.


    Currently my husband is undergoing treatment for brain cancer. It is slow growing and has a very good prognosis and he is handling treatment very well...he still works full time. However, due to his treatments he cannot get proper travel insurance, and I know the insurance company will try to blame most accidents, etc on his 'brain tumor'. So we just do not feel safe going un- or - under  insured.


    Main reason for this is..last cruise he and I took (January 2020) he took his first ever seizure on a beach in Antigua... drowned.. no pulse..no breath . He needed to be revived with CPR etc. We spent a week at the hospital in Antigua until it was safe to fly home. Dealing with that and the insurance company un-nerved me... and I do not want to find myself in a position where I am not sure if we would be financially covered (on top of the already emotional craziness).


    My kids all have their own lives and jobs, I have lost several friendships after the death of my son (apparently a common issue), and I find myself alone more and more.




    I spend time on the Celebrity forums and have been reading so many trip reports from solo travellers...especially women. I never thought I would EVER go on a cruise by myself, but now a seed has been planted!


    I can travel alone in the sense of I would not be nervous (I am careful and use good judgement), and am confident in that way. I have no issue going to a show alone or to a restaurant alone or flying by myself, etc. In fact I quite enjoy it. I am quite independant.However here are my worries. They may not make sense to you, but perhaps they will.


    ** My main worry is being sad and lonely and getting depressed and then feeling like an ocean jump is calling. DO NOT BE ALARMED!!! I am NOT suicidal, but I am stressed and grieving. I read of people jumping, I read of people 'being called to the water'.. and that scares me.

    I am not really explaining this very well, but I worry I will get on the ship and be having a good time and then suddenly feel very alone and taking an emotional dive with no one around to talk to.


    So...for those who travel solo... have you had any experience with that? Has anyone been worried about things like that? Has it happened? What did you do about it?


    *** Do you find it hard to make cruise friends? Is it hard to dine alone every meal? Do they have solo events (not singles hook ups.. but just solo)?


    **If I did excursions, I would likely go through the ship.. although I never usually do that..I usually do my own thing. But I think I would feel safer doing that solo.


    Anyway...I am sure many, many more ideas and questions will come to mind if I keep considering this.


    But for now... I just would like some feedback and thoughts on if I should play around with the idea of actually doing a solo cruise .


    My husband would be supportive, and he would be fine at home...I would not be leaving him stranded in any way!!


    After the loss of my son recently, currently losing a close friend to cancer, and my husband going through all his cancer treatments... time away for myself may be a Godsend. However I worry it would be great for 2 or 3 days and then I would sink into a pit of lonliness and despair. ...dramatic much?!?!?!?  Lol


    Thanks for any thoughts and/or encouragement.  🙂

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