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Posts posted by CaptainWill

  1. One of my favourite memories from cruises on IotS was The Quest - the highly entertaining game in the ice rink. I've tried to figure out where on Quantum this might be relocated to in lieu of the rink, but it doesn't seem there's anywhere suitable except maybe the main theatre (presuming there is one and they're not going to introdue 'Dynamic Theatrics' ;)


    What are peoples thoughts?

  2. Nothing too 'weird' as such, but on Indy this January, there was a very flamboyantly dressed man who would always standout in these lovely suits etc - we called him Elton John for the first week or so. You'd see him every night on the Prom. Then one night, no sign of him. Next morning in WJ having breakfast and grandparents are telling me they were convinced a man was dressed as a lady the previous evening; I joked it could have been Elton.


    Couple of nights later casually wandering down the prom and I thought to myself how well dressed a lady was. As I got nearer, I realised it was him. I laughed so much in my head. We spoke to him that night in Schooner/Labyrinth and told him we thought he looked fab and good on him. He giggled and said 'it was so much fun to see some peoples reactions and double takes'. He was very sweet!


    Ron/Roxanne, if you're out there, we all say hi!

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