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Posts posted by lovetoplantravel

  1. On 2/26/2024 at 11:19 PM, mncbabu_yahoo said:

    Here is my list of activities on 3 port days (Ketchikan,  Juneau and Skagway). This is my cost effective lists. Not planning to do all. Please suggest/recommend any modification.

    Ketchikan (8 Am to 1 PM)

    ·         Totem Bight State Historical Park (use Bus)

    ·         City Walking Tour (Grab a map)

    ·         South East Alaska Discovery Center

    ·         Totem Heritage Center

    ·         Tongass Historical Museum

    ·         Creek Street

    ·         Possible Hikes (one or two)

    o    Rainbird Trail

    o    Ketchikan Creek falls


    Juneau (8 am to 8 pm)

    8 AM: Book a Taxi and Go to Airport

    9 AM: Rent a car

    ·         Drive north on Glacier Highway 7 (9 am to 11 am)

    ·         Auke Bay

    ·         Shrine of St. Therese (good hike)

    ·         Eagle Beach 

    ·         Menden Hall Glacier and Nugget Falls Trail (12 pm to  3 PM) If possible East loop trail

    ·         Downtown Juneau - Possible Attractions (4 to 6)

    ·         Alaska State Museum

    ·         Sealaska Heritage Institute

    ·         Last Chance Mining Museum

    ·         Mount Robert Tram (if it is a clear day)

    ·         State Capitol

    ·         Drive to Douglas Island (6 to 8 pm) - Rain Forest trail


    Skagway (8 AM to 7 PM)

    ·         9 AM to 1 PM: Yukon and White Pass Rail (booked)

    ·         1 PM to 2 PM: Lunch in Cruise

    ·         2 PM to 7 PM:

    ·         Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Visitor Center

    ·         Historic District walking tour

    ·         Trail of '98 Museum:

    ·         Brothel tour

    Possible hikes/ Trails:

    ·         Yakutania Point

    ·         Lower Dewey Lake

    ·         Gold Rush Cemetery and Reid Falls 


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