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Posts posted by caroldan1

  1. I should be all caught up with recent requests. If you didn't get the notes, please let me know by posting again.


    Hi Cruisemom42

    could you send me your Herculaneum notes and any suggestions you have about Carthage/Tunisia. I noticed you had visited there. This is a duplicate request to one that I posted earlier but not as a response to you directly. my email is caroldan at ptd dot net. Thanks for your help

  2. Hi cruisemom42

    Could you share your Herculaneum notes with me. We are cruising in late October. Also I noticed in one of your posts you mentioned visiting Tunisia. The cruise we are on makes a stop there as well in the port for Carthage. Do you have any notes or suggestion for that. I really will appreciate your response and your willingness to share with so many.


    Thank you!!!


    my email caroldan at ptd dot net

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