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Posts posted by joerookery

  1. hi,


    I copied this from the "Princess abandoned us" thread. We still have heard nothing back from Princess. Today we write the marketing people at Carnival. Princess has a handicap Coordinator named Jan Tuck. I have no idea how to contact this individual.


    We would be glad to contact the handicapped advocate at Princess -- we just do not know how nor will anyone connect us. We leave for another month in mid-December on Princess. Final payment is already in. Celebrity was generous with you -- Princess offered only to consider repaying the extra handicap transportation charges incurred in Thailand if I provided the proper receipts -- they called this a gesture of goodwill. I do not have all the receipts I have the largest one. But in my defense I was trying to work out deals for transportation verbally from a wheelchair dockside in Thailand. There was a minor little language problem and Princess did absolutely nothing to help. An entire class of people think poorly of Carnival and Princess in relation to handicapped accessibility. I do not think the marketing people at Carnival know that. Thanks to this board I know who to address. If I was in charge and I found out I would rip the head off of anyone who has touched these problems and given my company a bad reputation. Every business leader knows that a bad incident costs seven sales. If allowed to continue unabated that number increases geometrically. Yet these companies pay someone to be their handicapped coordinator! Why have these people not read and answered this thread? Don't they use interns to screen these kind of reporting in print media as well as key bulletin boards? Who is driving this train?
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