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Posts posted by LSTEFFA

  1. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO cruzincurt:Believe it or not, I too am a working stiff. Since none of us has an unlimited amount of money we all have limits on our bankroll. According to a dice expert 1X odds give you as a player the best returns. When you start moving up to 10X and 20X odds the player doesn't get a good return on it. I have a book where it is explained in Mathimatical terms. Very dull reading.

    Player....1X odds best return????:rolleyes: You are paid even money on the front line bet and the TRUE ODDS (No house advantage) on your odds bet...take as much odds as you can afford......THE HOUSE HAS NO ADVANTAGE ON YOUR ODDS BET.

  2. This is a "forum". Look up the word in the dictionary so you can understand what it means. What exactly is wrong with debating a subject. Must we all conform to what others say & never question. I believe we live in a world where opinion & free speech is important.

    You are right that Dicenator can have an opinion but so can anyone else including yourself. However don't tell me that I should not come on a forum & give my opinion on what someone has posted.

    If you look at my previous post I even offered to buy the guy a drink on the house if he plays at my craps table on my ship.


    Take a chill pill mate & don't take life so seriously.

    Don't get Vwrestler mad....his neck looks bigger than my waist.

  3. Old Sea Dog


    I went into my trip reports and pulled out my throwing information for my main way of throwing which is Underhand.


    These numbers will be calculated as AVERAGE ROLL LENGTH. I don't think that you disagree that the average craps player has an average roll length of 8.25. The following listing is alphabetical not chronological.





    Car. Glory 136 13 10.46

    Car. Legend 409 38 10.76

    Car. Miracle 642 48 13.38

    Car. Pride 251 17 14.76

    Car. Valor 526 40 13.15

    Cel. Summit 508 50 10.16

    RC Enchantment 388 25 15.52

    RC Explorer 741 62 11.95

    Nor. Gem 144 9 16.00

    Nor. Jewel 665 61 10.90

    Nor. Star 197 17 11.59


    TOTAL 4,607 380 12.12


    With 4,607 throws covering 11 cruises on different ships I think that this shows that I'm very very very lucky.



    Lord Almighty...you tracked 4607 ROLLS???? Have some fun on your GEM cruise & play without the pad & pencil.

  4. I've never seen more than 2 dice tables in there. Of course, I only started going in there maybe 5 or 6 years ago.

    Jeff...They had three tables up front until January and now have two.

    The casino manager (Art) said they will probably go back to three.

    They have real weird rules on the 100X odds table. For some reason from

    5:00AM to 10:00 AM it goes down to 20X odds....back to 100X at 10:00. The QT explanation was management wanted some "quiet" down time from possible big hits....20X odds is a pretty strong game for a time out period.

  5. My sentiments exactly as it is the only way to play & a lot more fun.


    On my last vacation at the Mirage in Vegas I started with $34 the insides & cashed out $5,500 after a 20 minute roll.

    Nice Hit!!! I heard that the only two things casino's fear are #1) Drunks #2) Power Pressors.....well maybe not the drunks so much. Did you play in LV across the street @ Casino Royale? $5 game with 100X odds + pay the Vig after it hit on the 4/10 Buy bets. For some reason they are down to two craps tables & they are jammed always.

  6. I will gladly accept that drink and I would hope that you would bet on me when I am shooting the dice and make some money. Maybe if you saw my results in person for a week you would change your opinion.


    I am departing tomorrow 3/22 on the Norwegian Gem for a 9 night cruise. I was on this ship a year and a half ago and found the table to be OK for the way I throw. I will post my trip report when I return and hopefully I will have a win.




    Now that you have apparently mastered the art of DI, ramp up your betting strategy and win some $$$$.

  7. I finally got around to reading the above article. I found this part a little confusing;


    "I also have found myself "handicapping" the shooters. I check out their shooting technique, and make mental notes of their past rolls."


    Why? If it's all chance according to this author, so why does it matter how they rolled previously?

    About 10+ years ago on the Atlantic City boardwalk, a huckster had a little trained monkey who would roll the dice on a little mini-craps table for tips.The gent told the crowd the monkey was hot & made 10 passes that morning. The motto of the story..."even a monkey can shoot the dice".



    I'm not going to answer that question and open myself to more sarcasm and mocking.


    Anything number wise that I quote is based upon my results in Atlantic City at the casinos I play in regularly.


    You can check for yourself by adding the hand lengths on some of my trip reports and dividing by the number of hands. This will give you my average roll length which counts from the come out throw through the 7 out. If you back out maybe 2 come out throws per hand on average from this number that is the number of point cycle throws per hand which is the number I quoted.


    My numbers aren't quite the same as what I get in Atlantic City but they are good. I just checked my reports from the Norwegian Gem and the Carnival Miracle and they are good.



    No problem.....Good luck to you

  9. norwich,


    I use the hard way dice set with the 3's on top and the 5's facing me. My main intent is to avoid 7s. Instead of the statistical 1 in 6 I've reduced my 7s to 1 in 11. My extra throws per hand are distributed with a +1.5% on the 6 and 8, + 1% on the 5 and 9 and +.5% on the 4 and 10. All of these numbers are rounded.


    On a cruise ship I usually have $200 per day for gambling. For each day that I'm up starting on day #1 I therefore have more per day to risk.




    Dicenator... I have just one more simple question. Do your dice rolling stats really show that you roll a 7 (seven) once for every eleven (11) rolls

    per your quotes above. Thanks

  10. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO fellow posters: I agree with the prior three posters. You could believe in dice control or not. The people who have been successful with it have been documented. You could believe it or not. Dicenator, keep posting reports of how you do in the casino. Don't let a few folks that are losers ruin it for you.

    Unlike dicenator comments (stupid, loser etc), I have not made personal attacks.

    I question his track record of during a 30,000 roll documented dice history of rolling a seven (7) one in eleven times versus the true odds of one in six...totally absurb.

    I question how someone can throw two hands totalling more than 70 rolls and win a total of $450.

  11. LSTEFFA,


    Now I'm wondering what your motivation could be for posting a message like you just did in such a mocking tone. I can think of a lot of reasons for example: you might be someone who loses constantly at craps and is too stubborn or stupid to recognize that they way you play is destined to be a loser and are therefore jealous of someone who can win at the game.


    You might be someone who has tried dice influencing and either didn't have the physical coordination or the mental will power to stick with it long enough to make it work for you.


    You might be someone who doesn't know when to quit when you are at a craps table and loses their whole bankroll every time because you have no discipline.


    My final thoughts are that you are just one of those negative people who doesn't know how to say anything positive about anything. The glass is always half empty instead of half full.


    If you don't like what I put out in my postings then just stop reading them and get a life.



    Chill out dude....I think you have sniffing too many micofibers from those bouncy crap tables in your 30,000 roll career.

  12. sailor jimc


    My last cruise on the Explorer of the Seas a few weeks ago I had a 42 throw hand on the last night of the cruise and there were 5 other players there at the time. Now every single one of them made at a minimum at least $200 with one guy making over $1000. 90% of my throw were box numbers and I made 5 points. I was really expecting all of them to pass the dice right back to me but nope. No one said a word and they all took their turn throwing the dice. I was disgusted at this and the fact that not a single one of them toked the crew except for me.


    I was on a Carnival ship, Victory, about 2 years ago. One afternoon I was at the table with only 2 other players. One was a rookie and the other one was the type who rarely threw the dice. Well I had a 40 throw hand and they both passed me the dice. I followed that hand with a 34 throw hand and they passed me the dice a second time. The magic was now gone and I had a 6 throw hand. We all colored in and all 3 of us were up somewhere around $350 to $400.



    Let me get this straight...you threw a 40 throw hand & a 34 throw hand & colored up with a BIG $350-400???? Wow....you might have made $1K if

    the hands lasted another hour or so....

  13. Pretty funny that people actually believe in something like dice control. Lots of internet sites supporting it which isn't surprising. Here's one that lends some common sense to a theory that's pretty much impossible:rolleyes:




    But of course you won't change the opinion of the believers. I've seen LOTS of people win 1500.00 who weren't delusional enough to claim dice control as the reason :rolleyes:

    Amen....But do NOT tell this to dicenator...His track record is 16-0-1 on his last seventeen cruises.:confused:

  14. Hey guys, my take on the Doey-Dont is this. Every 1980 come outs you will lose one unit (lose 28 on the pass, win 27 on the don't). Very low house edge there, but you have no chance - ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH to win ANYTHING!!! Long run or short, one comeout or 100,000. No bet will make you a cent.


    It's like watching a porn movie alone instead of being with your girlfriend. No profit in it.


    What you do get is a chance to play the odds, basically without the weight of the flat bet pulling you down. If that's what you want, go for it!


    Shalom, Andy.

    Agreed...the system is about exciting as watching your shirt dry...

  15. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO Yo Eleven: First, it isn't my system, it was developed by The Captain. If you play the Doey Don't system you are playing the Pass Line/Don't Pass Line and the Come/Don't Come at the same time. The way the system was designed was to take away the House edge. If you play this way does it guarentee walking away with House money? No of course not. However, you will lose less than most other people at the table.

    Doey Don't is a terrible BORING system...you don't even PUSH the house when the BAR 12 shows and knocks down your pass and come bets.

  16. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO LSTEFFA: First, he is not my friend. He is just an aquaintance I know from playing in casinos. We only see each other every now and then in a casino.


    Second, he is protecting himself on the downside. Remember, the more you bet the more you have the potential to win. Also, when the shooter loses the house collects it all. However, it is more money at risk. Also keep in mind, house wins more decisions than the players do.

    "The more you bet the more you have potential to win" ??? Would it not make more sense to reduce your pass line/come bet and take true free odds...you would have the POTENTIAL to win a hell of a lot more money.

  17. Of course he gets comps. What casino in their right mind would want a stupid gambler to leave?

    Relin....CP's friend is not really that stupid making even money $100 pass line & come bets with NO ODDS until the first hit...he is just blowing a few hundred until the table heats up.:confused:

  18. I have a question about tipping. Say I put down a $5 pass line bet for myself and a $5 pass line bet for the dealer. A point is established and I take full odds on my pass line bet. Can I also take the dealers tip odds as well? So if the point hits the dealer gets $10 total and I get my bet and odds plus the dealers odds? Is that something that is done or not? I know the dealers are happy to get any tips so I would not think it would be a problem.

    UCFOG...Line bets are a great way to toke the dealer. If a game is a $5 mininum bet you can still bet $1 (or 2-3-4) for the dealers and not be subject to the mininum. Place full odds behind for pass line and the dealers will love you to death.

  19. HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO bankerlkd: For you and the other novices learning to play this game: An aquaintance of mine once gave me advice. He said go slow,and stay within yourself. It is not necessary to take outsized risks if you don't feel comfortable doing so.


    I know a high roller who bets $100 on the Pass Line or a Come bet. He doesn't take odds until a point is made. Then he takes single odds. After another number hits he takes single odds on that number too. He keeps going this way. When all numbers are covered he ups his odds bets. He tries to play even with the House and he gets plenty of comps.


    That way of playing might not be for you, but, he enjoys playing that way and he stays even or better with the House. And an added advantage he gets comps. Remember, stay within yourself and watch your bankroll.

    He makes a $100 pass and come bet with NO odds (even money payoff) until the first pass line or come bet hits? THEN he takes odds? :rolleyes: Ouch

  20. No, put bets are bad bets, and I never make bad bets.


    Well, the only time I make a bad bet is when I bet hardways for the dealers. I usually do this when all the come bets are covered.

    I use Put bets in a 20X odds game....you don't have to repeat to collect as you do with a regular come bet. They only make good sense in a high free-odds game (20X) where the come-out flat bet is really irrelevant to the total bet.

  21. Must be great! Do you put money on the numbers too or just on the come bets?


    Place a 6 and/or 8 in $6 increments since the place bet pays 7:6. Also make a come bet....Let's say $5. If the 6 or 8 hits you are due $7 and your come bet moves to the six or eight, tell the dealer "Down with odds"..he will take $5 from your winnings for odds and return to you $2 from your original place win. You can place the 4-5-9-10 in similar way but the place odds on these numbers give the house much too high of an advantage. Stick to placing only the 6 and/or eight and come bets.

  22. The maximum allowed odds for come bets is the same as for the pass line bet. If you can afford it, always take maximum odds allowed.


    Some casinos, NCL for example, allow 3x 4x 5x odds. That is 3 times odds on the four and ten, four times odds on the five and nine, and five times odds on the six and eight.


    Personally, I go all the way with come bets, so if the shooter makes all the numbers, I will have the pass line and five come bets working.


    Another thing I do is have my odds working on the come out roll. Normally, odds are off on the come out roll, unless you call them on, which I always do.

    Curious, if the seven rolls on the come out and you lose your come & odds bets, have you ever paid to keep all your come bets up? This is known as a PUT bet.

  23. WOw so you keep putting up come bets and high odds. YOu must have a huge amount of money on the table. I dont think I can afford that. :)

    But you also will have a huge amount of money in your rack from winning. When you hit a come bet winner on a number a have another bet in the come bet area it's called "OFF & ON".. you are paid for the first come bet and STILL have the same come number covered *& come bet. Nothing SWEETER than a REPEATER....(maybe a three peather...four peather ETC.

  24. Great... how do I do that:)


    Paddy Anne

    Place the mininum the casino allows (usually $5) on the table where it says COME. After the very NEXT Roll if 2-3-12 shows you lose...the dealer takes your bet. If 7 or 11 shows you win and you will be paid even money...$5 for $5. If 4-5-6-8-9-10 shows the dealer will take your money from the COME area and put in the number area on the layout. Once he does this make your odds bet by placing the money on the table & telling the dealer "odds on my come bet". He will take your chip(s) and place them on an inverted angle.The number (let's say it was 10 with $5/come & $5/odds) has to repeat for you to win. If the 10 repeats you will be paid $15....Even money-$5 for the original come bet & $10 for your odds which are paid @ TRUE odds of 2:1. The true odds are 2:1 for the 4/10, 3:2 for the 5/9 and 6:5 for the 6/8. When placing odds on the 5 and/or 9, always bet EVEN odds to receive the proper 3:2 payoff...regarding this remember the old crap saying "if it ends in E (FivE or ninE) keep it even. Good luck.

  25. I like playing craps a lot. I have never played come bets though and now I finally get it. So my question is Are come bets a good idea and if so is it good to add odds and if so how much? :D



    Paddy Anne

    Paddy Anne..take the MOST come bets odds the casino (or your bankroll) allows. The odds are the only bet in the casino where the house has NO advantage. Good Luck

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