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Posts posted by Irishnana

  1. How many days until your next cruise?????? Hopefully it's soon, as I know we all enjoy time spent on the open seas.


    I only have 78 days until my cruise, and I am already getting ancious to go. I wish it was sooner, then the time on the cruise would just crawl so it seemed longer, lol.


    Donovan I have the same days as you...funny thing!!:D


    Looking forward to Christmas decorations on the Mariner.



    Laura & Donovan...here is a lesson in Nonnie's Math 101 :)


    76 days & counting...and I'm on the same cruise with y'all.


    I do not count today, nor do I count the actual day of sailing because the count is zero that day...YIPPEE!!! Hence the reasoning behind Nonnie's Math :eek:

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