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Posts posted by Atlastalady

  1. I was traveling on the Alaska Marine Ferry out of Seattle. I had a tip from a local cabbie on how to get on the boat first with my car and get a good "tent Spot". I was camping on the top deck, no stateroom. I was looking forward to my first trip to Alaska, and what an adventure it would be. Anyway ,I set up my tent near the rail in the back, and was standing there marveling at down town Seattle, and I hear a comotion above me. On the plexi-glass roof, just above my head, was a lady totaly nakid, except for a bottle of champagne, waving at rush hour trafic on interstate 5. She had obviosly been over-served and feeling no pain. I was concerned for her safety, so I kept watching her for at least 10 minutes, and finaly 3 uniformed crewman threw a blanket around her and escorted her down. I dont know how she got up there, and I never saw her again after that. What a fun trip it was, 3 days to Haines on the inside passage. Then 850 miles of gravel road to Homer, then another Ferry to Kodiak. But thats a whole other story.


    850 miles of "gravel road" to Homer? Did you four by in or what?!

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