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Posts posted by cruiser/teacher

  1. Hi! I just ordered Nutrisystem and I was wondering if anyone out there was still on the plan and could offer a few words of wisdom? I have two upcoming cruises and while I would like to lose weight for the cruises, it is more a desire for a lifestyle change. Thanks in advance!


    Nancy :)

  2. Hi y'all! I have been on and off of Atkins for a couple years. I lost 70 pounds but since I had surgery last June, I have struggled to get back on track with eating and exercise and 25 pounds :eek: has come back on. I need to get back on track but have many excuses :confused: as my life is insane right now. But excuses aside, I cruise in 1 month and need to get a grip or things are about to spiral even more out of control. I too hope to find some motivation and encouragement here with my cruisin' Atkins friends. :) Any words of wisdom to get me back on induction would be greatly appreciated!


    Nancy D

  3. I weigh daily although I know that is not ideal. But I have to know. I find that within a week my weight fluctuates two pounds or so. I just look for the trends. I was tinkering between 171 and 174 forever. Now between 165 and 168...it keeps going like that and slowly but surely it moves down some more. After losing 55 pounds I feel good and am no longer in a hurry to get the weight off. I know that if I continue with the exercise and this WOE it will eventually all come off. I have been impatient too many times before and it has destroyed me...falling off the wagon if the scale reflected a gain. Now I just tell my self that I am in it for the long haul- the rest of my life, so what's the hurry?


    Sometimes easier said than done though! :o



  4. Heather- I am right there with you! You are so lucky that you realized at 30 that you wanted to make a permanent change. I'm 42 and became a grandmother this year. I realized that I was miserable and that when I am miserable it makes others around me miserable too. I didn't want that for me, my family, and especially my grandbaby Lily. You can do this. We all can do this. It is so great to have support systems. Keep up the good work.




    I've attached a recent picture of me and my grandbaby Lily. :)


  5. Hi Sue-

    Thanks for the welcome. This too was my third time around for Atkins. The first time I did it to get ready for a trip to Mexico. The second time was to get ready for a cruise. This time it is for the rest of my life. I have yo-yo'd up and down so many times in my life that I am fed up. This is the only time I have told myself that this needs to be forever- a lifestyle change. Once I internalized that it just became matter of fact. I told myself the same thing for the exercise, must do forever.


    Glad that you are back with Atkins- you can do it! I hope you enjoy the quiche too, it is so good!


    Nancy :)

  6. Hi y'all! I have been on CC for a long time and just foound this thread. I have been doing Atkins since mid June and I am down 55 pounds. I've gone from a size 20 to an 8/10. I have about 20 more pounds to go. I did not exercise until January and I just competed my first 5k last Friday evening. I love this way of eating because once you get through the first week or so, it becomes second nature and it works! I saw a few posts about breakfasts. Here is my favorite recipe, I eat it almost eveyday and for some reason have not gotten sick of it.


    Broccoli, Swiss, and Ham Quiche


    Spray a 10 inch deep dish pie plate with Pam and preheat oven to 350.




    6 eggs

    3/4 cup heavy cream

    1 teaspoon dijon mustard

    1/2 onion chopped

    2-3 Tablespoons butter

    10 oz. frozen chopped broccoli

    8 oz. shredded swiss cheese

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon pepper

    8 oz. ham diced (about 2 cups) (I like lower sodium ham or boiled ham)

    2 scallions sliced (optional)


    Cook broccoli until tender. Saute onion in butter until soft. Drain broccoli very well. Mix together in a large bowl the ham, swiss, broccoli, onion. and scallions. Put into the pie plate loosely. In the same bowl (now empty) mix the eggs, cream, mustard, salt and pepper. Pour evenly over the mixture in the pie plate. Bale at 350 for 35-45 minutes until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Let stand about 10 minutes befor cutting.


    1/8 of the quiche is about 4-5 net carbs.


    I cook this on Sunday and then have a slice every morning for breakfast with bacon or susage. Super fast, easy, and delicious!


    I got this recipe on the www.genaw.com/lowcarb website. I have modified it slightly. Love it! Enjoy!



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