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Posts posted by Ratatouille

  1. Thanks for your replies. The angst at home continues and probably will for several more years :) I just showed him a video of the dog sled excursion in Skagway on the NCL website and he is adamant he's NOT interested in that tour or ANY others. Sigh..... I told him I would feel bad if we came back raving about it and then he felt like he'd missed out. So it looks like we may cancel the car reservation and just 3 of us will go dog sledding. Part of me wishes I had not tried to involve him in the discussion and just booked him!


    It is $40 cheaper to book direct rather than through the cruise line. What to do? For this type of excursion I am leaning towards booking through the cruise line "just in case".

  2. Am second guessing myself...help please!


    We have a whale watching tour booked with Harv & Marv in Juneau that we are really looking forward to. In Skagway we booked a car and are planning to drive up to Emerald Lake. Now I am back to dreaming about the helicopter and dog sled excursion which I had given up on because I did not think we could do it on snow. In response to my inquiry about snow, Temsco Helicopters wrote "Dog Sledding it is on the snow. There are some dog sleds on the wheels but those will not have any flight-seeing in their name."


    My husband is NOT interested in flying in a helicopter but two out of the three kids and I would get such a thrill. Plus the youngest wants to see snow. (We live in a warm climate) One of the teens says he is not interested at all but I know he would love it if he would allow himself to relax and have a good time on an excursion with us. you know how those teens can be.


    What to do?? Which to book? Help!

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