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Salsa Dancer

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Posts posted by Salsa Dancer

  1. Any men considering this may want to think twice. HCG will shut down your natural testosterone production. HCG is beneficial at the end of long steroid cycles because it helps produce leydig cells and will reverse testicle atrophy, but if you aren't on a cycle, this drug is pretty pointless for you to use.


    And while there is some truth to using your own internal fat stores to feed yourself while on low calorie diets....500 calories is way too low and I would not advise doing this. Is the rapid weightloss really worth the health risks involved, and believe it or not there are health risks from malnutrition and low vitamin levels.



    I thought you might be a good source for a question that's been on my mind. The topic seems to have been worked up on this thread......

    What do you think might be the lowest caloric intake to still be healthy and keep the metabolism working right? And/Or what info needs to be factored in to get to that caloric number? I used to toy with trying to work up a plan for myself that included enough protein (56 grams or so) and vitamins and fiber and calcium, and carbs, etc. to be healthy, yet still be really low in calories. Everyone seems to say that about 1200 for an adult female is about right, but I really wondered if it could be done on fewer calories. What is your opinion?

  2. I know several people personally, who use the phrase "toxins" quite frequently. They also have drawerfuls and cabinetfuls of every "natural" remedy and product on the market. As one observant friend commented, "These are some of the unhealthiest people I know." I'm not just observing one couple but a few and have seen them try so many things....every supplement, the liquid forms of vitamins, the power cleansers, the colon irrigation "therapies" etc. Five out of four couples have ended up unusually sick (one or two of each couple) and for lengthy periods without explanation. Pale, weak, thin, unable to eat, etc. I would lean toward saying, "chronically sick", and they weren't that way going into the "natural" products lifestyle. None of them talk about this phenomena or complain about it or point to the natural chemical cocktails that they are taking as possibly the root of their illnesses, though.


    All of it has left me feeling very skeptical and believing that the overuse of the word "toxins" has the public scared. It seems that combinations of "natural" products, unchecked, can have a negative chemical effect on the body. With the "cleanse' products now being sold, I am wondering if the promotional statements are true. I know that laxatives can and do work and are sometimes needed...especially if you do not get enough fruit, fiber from veggies and grains, and water in your diet. But is it a myth that everyone is carrying "10-20 pounds of excess waste product that is clinging to the lining of the intestines and blocking the absorption of nutrients into our diets?" That type of statement makes me skeptical. Because supplements fall into a category that is more food than drug, they are not labelled, regulated, or required to be tested the same way drugs are, yet the claims and cures are very "medical." I've seen people die of cancer who were die-hard Barley green fans and I saw the literature that promoted it as a cure.


    I agree that we are a nation with abundant good food but those who promote the products would have us all believe that our land is "stripped of all nutrients and our vegetables are devoid of vitamin content." The other common statement is that "they" (the medical industry) have the cure for cancer and just don't want us to know because then the medical/drug industry would be out of business....so the answer is, of course, to buy the latest and newest "natural," product. Someone is still making money, though.


    This thread was about detox products. I think the question was a good one as I can admit that I've wondered about taking them and whether they would be a benefit or not...especially with wanting to lose more weight fast.


    Now on a lighter note...I remember when Katie Couric had a colonoscopy and it was televised. She did this for a good cause...to encourage the procedure because her husband had died of colon cancer. I heard a comedian comment on the procedure. He said, "We're happy to announce that they did not find a sign of cancer in Katie. They did, however, find Osama Bin Laden."

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