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Posts posted by Oldhippy

  1. Thanks to all that replied:).

    Yes, our hotel is centrally located, at least that is what I've heard on it's reviews.


    I'm thinking that when we arrive Sat. morning we will stroll the Rambulas and go to the Boqueria Market. On Sunday, hit the Museums and tour the Sangrada Familia and attend service there too. On Monday take the train to Montserrat and then go see the Gaudie House.


    I'd like to see Barcelonas Cathedral also and do a Gothic tour too. I don't know where I can sneak them in without over doing it. We are in our 60's and don't have the energy we used too, although we are still going strong:)


    So, is this itinerary doable without being on the run all the time?


    Thanks again,,,, Mary

  2. Hi everyone,

    I'm hoping someone can help me plan our time in Barcelona. We will be arriving on a Saturday morning (Jet Lag), have Sunday and Monday also. We board our ship on a Tuesday so I guess we have that morning too. We would like to take the train to the Montserrat. A Sunday Mass would be nice. Sangrada Familia is a must. I've heard most museums are closed on Mondays. Would like to see the most of what there is with our time. I'm hoping to get some good advise on what to see and when:)


  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm hoping someone can help me plan our time in Barcelona. We will be arriving on a Saturday morning (Jet Lag), have Sunday and Monday also. We board our ship on a Tuesday so I guess we have that morning too. We would like to take the train to the Montserrat. A Sunday Mass would be nice. Sangrada Familia is a must. I've heard most museums are closed on Mondays. Would like to see the most of what there is with our time. I'm hoping to get some good advise on what to see and when:) Also, it would be great to hear of some good places to eat too!

    Thanks in advance ,,,,,,,,,Mary

  4. //////////////

    I have been quiet for the past couple of months. I have a blog about all things Ft Lauderdale that I made a promise to myself would be updated daily. Instead, I have been kind of busy with my other life outside of the States, and have neglected it. I'm back and making sure that any new updates get posted there timely. Questions...fire away.






    I've read pages of threads and still don't know of a good hotel with free parking, so I'm asking now.

    We will be flying in 3 days before our cruise and renting a car to explore the area. We don't need a room on the beach or even on 17th st. because we will have a car and can drive to where we want to go:)

    Can you recommend a clean, nice hotel that has free parking? I'd rather spend my money on something else:)


  5. Hello everyone,

    I too am a weight watchers member who fell off the wagon. I have started weight watchers many times before and here I am wanting to start again. About 8 years ago I lost a good 20 lbs (baby weight) on weight watchers. I have basically maintained for the most part. There are those periods of time where I just stop tracking all together but I always buckle down and track seriously at some point. This was the case at the end of February when I started going to the gym and tracking again. My cholesterol and blood pressure were high and I also wanted to lose a few pounds before the July cruise. I had a great time on the cruise and enjoyed all the food. We did so much walking that I don't think I gained hardly any weight. The problem for me was that I had gotten so used to eating that it took me about 2 months to get back on the plan seriously. Now between birthdays and all this Halloween candy, I am totally messing up. My son's birthday is Friday so here comes more cake and snacks. I have made up my mind to enjoy the rest of the week but come Saturday it is a wrap. I am going to get back to tracking and sticking to it until Thanksgiving. That gives me 20 days to lose some of this weight. I am going to weigh myself on Saturday morning and work down from there. I have been an online member for 6 + years. Prior to that I was also a member but I canceled my membership. This time around I didn't bother to cancel the membership because I knew I would find my way back sooner or later. So wish me luck as I begin again. I know for a fact the weight watchers works so to all the new comers just stick with it and stay positive. Come Saturday, I plan on doing just that......talk to you soon ;).


    Hi, My weigh in day is Sat. also. I'll be lucky if I've lost any weight this week. I totally blew last weekend and Monday too. I've swam laps in the pool so I'm hoping that helps.

    I lost alot of weight for a cruise before and worked out like crazy. I was looking and feeling good. Then I went to pot. I totaly lost my motavation. I just quit smoking too and that doesn't help in the weight loss department. Gezzz I want to fit into all my cruise cloths again!!!

    Glad to meet you,,,Hugs......

  6. Hi everyone,

    I'd love to join you in losing weight for our upcoming cruises:) I want to lose 15 lbs. by Valentines day! That's 3 months away. That's alittle over 1 lb and week and I think that is very doable. But I know I need alot of support in getting there. Im a lifetime WW member that has fallen:(. I rejoined with the on-line program now. Anyone want to join me in this challenge.... 1lb a week,,,,, slow and steady wins the race!!! Hugs,,,,Mary

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