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scuba idcs

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Posts posted by scuba idcs

  1. question for those aboard grand now. 12/30 departure. weather and clothes.


    i imagine sailing out the bay under the gate it was chilly?

    jeans, jackets?? what did you wear??


    on the trip down, when did shorts weather start?

    coming back up it's always rougher, i know.


    thank you!



  2. i, too wondered about laundry. i'm doing the world from LAX to LAX. my 2nd on princess, no suite, wanted a rear facing balcony which i got. i will have been a widow for nearly 3 years and will be traveling alone. i'm looking forward to reading posts with questions and answers and from experienced world cruisers.



  3. Last December I secretly booked a 13 day Caribbean cruise for February 2016 for my husband and me. It was going to be a surprise. I love to cruise and he always says he doesn't, but once he's on board he has a great time. I bring my scuba gear and go diving at every port. Anyway, after getting some other cruising friends to book the same trip, I got the biggest surprise. My husband was diagnosed with stage IV cancer in April and died in May. So I have a paid-for ocean suite for seven months from now. I am planning on going and diving any way.


    Reading what some of you have written has let me know other people do this, so why can't I? The bigger deal will be when I book a cruise for just me with no other friends on board. I really appreciate all your comments and suggestions.


    We always had at least a balcony if not a suite. The cabins for solo people seem to be smaller and something I probably would not enjoy. Does anybody have any thoughts about that? Several of you talked about lounges or get-togethers for singles/solos. Obviously, I am not looking to hook up (i'm 68) but it's always fun when you can find somebody to do stuff with.


    What do you think??

  4. i've been reading all the great suggestions, i'm an old lady (with a brand new knee) diving Alone, so lugging my gear distances isn't fun. i have found if go with the ship, the long hike isn't so likely to happen. the operator meets you at the pier. a couple years ago i took the Spirit to hawaii and back.. it was the first trip for her with that itinerary and they offered no scuba excursions. i booked from home before i left. again, as a single diver. some places i had to walk a couple blocks from the pier, others i had to take a cab. a couple islands, i was the only diver on the dives. beach, dives, which is how i learned in gtmo. i was very pleased with the operators. (but not the cold water.) i appreciate your suggestions to use trip adviser. i think the ratings hold pretty true. except for the people who hated the dive because the vis was poor, or some other random variable, on that particular day, but i'm wise to that. so, i think, for me, i should do my best to try to hook up with other divers on my ship months before we sail. (difficult) and then use trip adviser to help make decisions. once again, this is a new itinerary for Sunshine, 13 days so they have offered no dive excursions yet, but it's still 400 days. i'll keep reading the great ideas. please post your experiences as your sailings come up sooner than mine.

  5. it's great getting your opinions and names of dive shops. capt BJ i'd love to know which ships you brought into gtmo, and when. i did my first 300 dives there, myself.


    denver diver guy, appreciate your comments, as well.


    i bring my gear and dive in every port. does everybody book with the cruise excursion company? or do you book on your own? i've done both, but really worry bout being left. thanks for your info!

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