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Posts posted by Aurori

  1. I used to bring bags and bags of crap. No longer! I cruise with just my backpack and a small carry-on anymore. I found all those extra things I would bring generally stayed in the closet/drawer and really didn't give me much more added convenience. No need to overload yourself with useless things like power strips unless you are bunking with 4 people or plan on spending countless hours in your cabin, imo. :)


    The essentials I bring now are just toiletries, sun block, clothes, passport, sunglasses and my positive cruisin' attitude!

  2. 36 year old guy from West Michigan. I've taken a few cruises in the past, as you can see in my sig, but this will be my first solo. My past cruises we were all taken with my ex-girlfriend and/or my parents. This cruise the parents are staying home and I'll be meeting my current girlfriend aboard... who is a bartender for Carnival :D. Hopefully her boss gives her some time off.


    To the first of many solo cruises! *cheers*

  3. I read many of the opinions from patients provided in the link. It seems that many regained weight and are wanting to do it again. So like any diet it only works while you are on it. When you go off you gain it back and have to diet again.

    I would think it healthier to learn to eat in moderation and exercise. Learning what your body needs without paying for injections, appetite surpressants....


    A-men! thumbsup2.gif


    Learning to enjoy eating a healthy diet is the key for not regaining the weight. You can have the junk you crave, just not for every meal. Moderation, proper diet for life, exercise, and a desire to be fit = healthy!

  4. The links you posted are both affiliated with the diet.


    It looks to me as though youve been brainwashed by this diet. A continuous diet of 500 calories a day for anybody is not healthy. No amount of suppliments, hormone injections, or hype will convince me of anything different. Your body burns calories for fuel to stay alive. Even at rest your body is continually burning calories to keep functioning. By eating 500 calories a day, or even 800, you're putting your body into shock. Your body is going to start burning muscle for fuel and hording every fat cell it can, which means you'll end up skinny fat. Not the look most women would want. A 200lb man needs almost 2000 calories a day just to keep his body functioning. You're starving yourself, plain and simple.


    Odoyal is right on every cout. If you are losing fat from your mid section it's because that's where your body genetics have let your shed the weight first. My wife loses hers from her thighs first, this is also where she gains it back first. I lose mine from my belly and upper back, also where i gain it back first. When you lose weight you burn fat stores from all over your body, there is no such thing as "spot reducing" fat.


    Here's a clip from an article i found (on page 8 of a google search). The bottom line is this is another starvation diet and any other affects acheived from it are purely mental. Here's the link: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/982252/hcg_diet_studies_show_results_equal.html?cat=5


    If you search the web right now for information about the hCG diet, you will be many pages deep into any search engine before you get past hundreds of web pages, blog entries, and message board comments touting the effectiveness of the hCG Diet, by the way most of these offer to sell hCG products or recommend sources of hCG. Even the first entry that would appear to be objective (but isn't), is called Safety Issues Associated with an HCG Diet. The author, Marion Goldsmith, has his picture next to the title wearing a stethoscope and white lab coat. His job, however, is public relations director of an hCG weight loss center in Oklahoma. The sum total of the "safety issues" he writes about are very rare headaches and symptoms associated with pregnancy, but he says these are very, very rare... No other safety issues at all are mentioned with the 500 calorie a day diet. He does note that the FDA has not approved hCG as a weight loss method because they haven't been able to find convincing evidence that it works.

  5. Sounds nice, but truth be told, no body works the same as another.


    "Eat more = higher metabolism" While of course this is true, surely you understand that the rate of increase in no way is enough to burn the additional calories you have consumed. It's not even close.


    "Id rather eat more and work out a little harder. " Well gee...me too! :D But I do 30 or more minutes of intense cardio every day, and do 2 or 3 full body workouts (at 2 hours each) a week. I ran a 1/2 marathon last weekend. Eating more than 1000 to 1200 cal a day is too much for me - I gain fat. My body has worked this way for as long as I can remember - I simply have an efficient body I suppose. :rolleyes:


    My point is, please remember that everyone's body does NOT work the same. What works well for you, may not be the answer for others.


    No body works the same as another. I agree with this statement 100%, however, I dont think Odoyal was trying to force his method of fitness down anyones throat. That being said, 10x your bodyweight in calories is a great place for beginners in fitness to start. No 2 bodies work the same so adjustments will need to be made in everyones diet, regardless of activity.


    If you gain fat when eating more than 1200 calories a day, I would be curious to see what it is you are eating. Unless you're 4'2", this sounds unhealthy and very low to me with all the activity you do. Care to post your diet?

  6. Ive always went on the 10 x your body weight rule. Im baffled why people want to eat less. Id rather eat more and work out a little harder.


    The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism..put them together with maybe a thermo thrown in and your a fat burning machine.

    This man tells the truth!

    500 calories a day baffles me. You have got to be burning quite of bit of lean muscle consuming that little. I consume 2100 calories daily and have lost quite of bit of fat, gained lean muscle, and feel great! It's not as much "work" or as complex as you might think. All these quick fix advertisements and commercials have confused america. :(

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