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Posts posted by gabby71

  1. Thanks for such a great review! We will be taking a cruise in October and while I can't wait to get there....I certainly don't want my time on the Glory to pass by too quickly! This will be our 3rd time doing this same itinerary, but this time on a different ship.


    I loved seeing your pictures! However........the picture of the luggage sitting outside the rooms at the end of the cruise was like a hit to my stomach!:eek: That is the worst thing to see the entire cruise!lol


    Glad that you and your mom had such a great time!

  2. A lot of catching up for me, but WOW WOW WOW!!!!! What an amazing story!!!! This will be something for you all to talk about for many years to come!!! I got goosebumps when they yelled, "Surprise!".


    I'm so happy that you and your friends pulled it off. It was like I was biting my nails waiting for someone to mess it up. Just had me hanging on the edge of my seat.


    I think it's also awesome that everyone had such a good time. So many times people want to complain about every little thing, but you seem to bring out the positive in your trip. Things may not work out perfect, but just roll with punches and make it work!


    Thanks for taking the time to post this review!

  3. Oh gosh! So not a racist remark!!!! There "literally" was a HUGE crowd of asian people at that exact moment taking pictures of the Mona Lisa! There must have been a tour going through. Sorry if I offended anyone, it was most definitely not my intent just an actual fact.


    I thought the comment was perfectly fine. People need to read it as if they're reading a book. The author gives you detail as to how something looks or someone looks so that you have a visual in your mind. If you would have said "a group of people" that's just bland, but when you wrote "group of asian tourists" I had a more clear picture. Just like reading a book!;)


    I'm only on the second page of your review and I'm LOVING it!


    By the way....I love the wedding shot at the beginning of your review.

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