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cdn seeking heat

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Posts posted by cdn seeking heat

  1. We always hit Orlando for a few days before and after.

    Before the cruise we shop and after the cruise we check out the parks and to wind our way down. I think I'd crash hard if I had to go straight home after a cruise. - I hope that never happens!

    I can totally identify with wanting to book again right away when I got home but, I have not done that yet as the time between booking and waiting for the trip is complete torture to me and I only go once a year.

    I'd be completely certifiable within that years wait!

  2. On my first cruise, while waiting to leave, my husband and I were sitting against a wall in one of the halls chatting. Some college students seemed to be having a great time down the hall from me but I didn't really pay attention.

    After awhile, I did start paying attention because I noticed nobody was really saying anything but collectively, they would crack up laughing out of nowhere.

    I guess they were bored too and decided to tape thread to a $20.oo bill and when someone walking by tried to reach for it, they would pull it away.

    It was actually very funny to watch. Embarrassing for the guy trying to reach for it!

  3. This trip will be my first balcony experience.

    In the past, as soon as I woke on the morning of our first port, I would dress quickly and get up to the Lido deck to have my first full visual of the beautiful water. - Every time, I would cry because it is so beautiful.

    Now, I can have this experience in privacy and not worry that people think I'm just plain whacked. If I'm really with it, I'll pre-order breakfast and I can have a coffee to accompany the whole amazing experience.

    I am also really looking forward to leaving the door open to sleep to the sounds of the waves.

    *** I think they say bring string to hold the door open***

  4. My PCD starts the morning of departure off the ship. Initially, I think it's pretty funny in a demented kinda way.

    Notice the change of mood the morning we disembark? Party music is replaced with eerie quiet, people are dragging their heels, faces are almost void of emotion.

    The only communication my family makes to each other is to randomly say "Awwww!" followed by an empathetic response of "I knowwwww!"

    I feel like I am leaving behind a dear, dear friend.

    While driving back to Canada, you slowly add layers of clothing while also jacking up the heat in the car.

    It is really hard returning home in the winter months.

    Ok, this is horrible, I have not even got to the trip yet and I am dreading the long road back.

    One thing I do is to go to a few tanning sessions a week or two apart. That helps a bit.

  5. My son 8 at the time was getting some food at lunch buffet near the Pool area when an middle aged woman crowded in front of him and caused him to lose his balance and the Plate fell on the lady's shoes and pant legs. My son felt embarassed and apologized but from looking at the lady's facial expression she wasn't too happy. We left after that and went to another section for lunch.

    Your little fella seemed to be the bigger of the two people there! Good for him and too bad it happened in the first place. My guard goes up for little people who get pushed around so "high five" for your son.

  6. I don't know if anyone else is going to find this funny but...

    I went to a comedy show one night and my daughter said she would catch up soon. I sat in the front row and the comedian started asking random questions.... where are you from etc. (I said Toronto).

    He noticed that was not wearing shoes and started razzing me about it. "Cruise cost too much? Can't afford shoes too?" etc. I was embarrassed, so I just tried to ignore him. Then my daughter arrives (also somehow shoeless) and the comedian immediately targets her. "OH! I bet your with her!" (pointing to me) She's amazed that knew this and says "YES!" He said "I know, I can tell, she can't afford shoes for you either!" <everyone laughs>

    So then he goes back to asking where people are from and someone says "Scarborough". "Scarborough?" the comedian asks. The guy says "Yes, it's right outside Toronto; I want to live in Toronto too but I can't afford it yet" The comedian says "Well hell! You have to sell all your damn shoes first!"

    I wanted to crawl out of there and quick!

  7. Gee, some people forget that they were once 14 too. And fortunately or not, as we age, we experience some revisionist history, so as not to be embarrassed by our own behavior. :rolleyes:


    My mother would have reacted the same way as nbastats, and it probably saved me from becoming a rebel.:) Parenting isn't all about policing. My mother certainly knew how to embarrass me into doing the right thing!:D


    But, if I'm honest, the things I did on cruise ships as a teenager!:eek: I survived, and was better and more mature for the experience.


    Sounds as though your daughter- must be in her 20's by now, is suitably embarrassed by her behavior, and did a little growing up with your gentle hand.



    Oh thank you! I was going to comment, but decided not to and look at that... the very next comment, you did it for me!

    You can bet that kid didn't think she was getting away with much. Parents have a wonderful way of keeping you on your toes. Her mother made her think about it herself instead of the mother doing all the thinking for the kid by harping/freaking out.

    Anyways.... back to the fun, this string is great!

  8. On the Elation last June my cruise buddy (my 15 year old daughter) and I were getting on the elevator. When the doors opened, there were 2 gorilla's waiting for us - one pink and one blue! They grabbed hands and skipped off the elevator whistling at my daughter. The next day we were laying out by the pool and I had fallen asleep. I woke up when I felt something tickle my ear. I looked over and it was the pink gorilla laying next to me sunning with a drink in his hand. Needless to say, it was hysterical. We had so much fun watching these characters run around the ship all week. In fact, we are leaving on another cruise in 2 weeks and I wanted to get a cow outfit - but my daughter says NO WAY! :p


    Another story...... (gross)


    2 years aga we were just debarking off the Rhapsody in Galveston and were heading to the stairs. I looked over in the corner and there was an older gentlemen pooping in the corner. He was so surprised by us that he pulled his pants up and dashed off as quick as he could. IT WAS DISGUSTING! Guess he just couldn't make it! Talk about stinkey!:eek:




    OMG, I'm crying laughing!

  9. I cruise with my family for several reasons.

    1) To bond, this is a holiday experience that anyone, any age can enjoy and appreciate.

    2) To give my children a taste of something they can aim for later in life - so go to school kids!

    3) to allow the inner 12 year old in me to escape.


    I too have lhad a spouse pass. It's amazing how different your perspective on life is once you have experienced such a loss.

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