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Posts posted by travelinggrands

  1. I'm a vaper, my husband smokes cigars (poor thing) & we travel with another couple. She vapes, & he gave up smoking years ago. He claims he can smell her menthol flavored vape in their house. I can't smell anything. I vape tobacco flavored to get a little nicotine in my system after many yrs. of cigs. When I sit in the smoking section on deck, the real smokers laugh at me. I have discreetly vaped on my balcony with my a.m. coffee or late night drink. Occasionally I have had a drag or 2 while walking other decks. No problem.

  2. It has been a few years since we cruised the Davina, so my memory is hazy. I do remember being impressed with their lunch buffet soups, which changed daily. No memories of bad meals, but was a bit disappointed with escargot, as it wasn't super garlic y, the way I like it.

  3. We sailed on the Divinia a few years ago, when she was pretty new. Had a few problems with the help not knowing where things were located. I can remember trying to find a free language lesson that was in a named room on 6th floor. No one knew it by that name, even people who worked in some of the shops/bars on that floor. Turns out it wasn't in a "room" but in a lounge area between the right & left sides. Just a small bump.

  4. We were on the same cruise. We had early dining on level 4, with a group of 25. I enjoyed everything I ordered & the only "bad" entree was a tough chicken breast that was served almost cold. No problem. My table mate ordered something else & it was served promptly with a smile. Not bad for 7 nights for a group this size. In D. R. we were at the same beach & stayed a bit later. The ambulance was for a man that (according to beach gossip) had taken the chair lift & felt faint or passed out. When they wheeled him out, he was aware & talking,

    Sorry about loosing your booze. Ours was delivered on time & nothing missing.

    Glad you enjoyed your cruise, even with a few bumps.:)

  5. :) We just got off the Magic Saturday. Traveled with a group of 25, one of which was our T/A. Our rooms were all over the ship but we were linked for dinner (I guess). We were in a back corner of the upper dining room (Northern Lights?) at 3 large round tables near the serving station. We all had the same serving staff & could see one another. There were many jokes shared & scurrying between the tables. The staff learned there were no secrets within those 3 tables. Someone found the banana split & shortly everyone was ordering them! On the other hand, if one order was messed up, the other 24 would remind the server "remember, that was on the side, not on the meat" or "that was one red wine & one white". They took our nagging with a smile...

  6. You just never know...I was bound to try it & husband had better things to do with our group. I was fine with sitting alone & was matched with a gal who was just taking a break from the casino. I could care less about tea, but love salmon & wanted to taste some of the sweets. We were chatting when hubby came wandering in with a can of beer in his hand. His poker game had been cancelled; or was he just checking on me? He joined us, drank some tea & ate a couple of treats. I've gone several times by myself & have met some nice guys & gals. I would think they would make special arrangements for a well behaved little girl & her mom.

  7. I usually don't drink tea. I've always looked forward to this event for the salmon (& of course the sweets, which seemed more "real" to me. No, you shouldn't weare your bathing suites, but shorts & a top is O.K.

  8. I too sailed Divinia early this year. I agree about the entertainment being better & a bit more "adult", but fun and in good taste. Had some problems with directions (both on the ship & on their website), but I think it was more a language problem, which they can work out. Food, I thought, was very good. I am more willing to experiment than some. I think Carnival's escargot is better (more garlic) but loved MSC's mushroom soup in the buffet. Their customer base is truly international, so Americans should make adjustments for other country's traditions.

    For the price, I would sail her again.

  9. You might want to call CLL. Look at all the people who get married "on ship". Miss Smith (with passport in that name) signs on. Mrs. Jones leaves the ship 7 days later. Possibly, your DIL should bring an "official" copy of the marriage certificate? (notarized & all that). I always keep a copy of my passport face page in my wallet (even stateside). Do you know what countries you will be visiting?

  10. Have you checked out the roll call for your cruise? Quite frequently people have booked a private tour & are looking for others to share the expense & fun. Usually, they are experienced cruisers & know their way around. Check out the comments in the ports section & read comments on private tours, shopping, etc.

    Have fun!

  11. I just a dumb, green eyed grandma. Usually, when things don't go right, I've done something wrong or not done something right; & try to correct it or learn something. Everything has worked out, so far.:)

    I do understand that MSC is working with customers all over the world, not just No. Americans & translations can get a bit "odd" & easily misunderstood...I do understand that websites are constantly being worked on & upgraded...But if they make it difficult for people to buy their products, it will affect their bottom line.

    I am from the paper generation, desperately hanging on to my old computer (XP), because I don't want to take on W8.

  12. You do know that you can choose another squiggly code & make it larger with your mouse, yes? I agree that they are difficult to see. I did call MSC to order our drink package. Every time I tried to order them on line, I was forwarded to the excursion page (?). First gal said I could order over the phone, if I wanted to pay in advance (well, yea), & transferred me to another dept. (I figured she wasn't cleared to handle money). That lady pulled up our reservation (booking #, ship, date, names) & informed me that, because we were part of a group, only our T.A. could order this package for us. Called T.A., gave her our cc# & she ordered for us, using her name & our card. I'm sure there is a security reason for all of this, but there has to be an easier way. Sigh

  13. While trying to book an excursion for our 2/8/14 cruise on Divina, I kept getting a message that my booking # was wrong. Checked with my T.A. & she gave me a couple of different numbers. All were wrong. Called a rep in Miami & she could view our reservation using the original #. She just "didn't know why" I couldn't get to it. A few days later, it worked. Again trying to book this trip (booking#, ship name, date, names) a window suddenly opened on the right side, saying we were in Bolivia. I just backed out to the web & entered MSC's site again. Finally got it booked & acknowledged. The e-mail confirmation said I had to "check the box below" & return it to them. There was no box.

    Booking our drink package was a scene out of Abbot & Costello. Getting our group's luggage tags e-mailed nearly drove T.A. to drink. All is good right now; just keep smiling & bring paper copies of everything!:)

  14. Thank you for finding menus & posting. I have food allergies & always want to know what is available. Knowing what I shouldn't eat, helps me be more adventurist to try new/different dishes. I'm looking forward to that deviled rooster dish!

  15. Dear Snowy,

    I will be on this cruise with you. My first with MSC. I plan on wearing a black, sparkly cocktail dress & am trying to get DH to bring his Tux (or at least try it on to see if it still fits). Also would like to get a picture while in our formal garb. I still shiver when I remember one "dressy night" (NCL?) when a large hairy, tattooed man, wearing a sleeveless undershirt was pushing his way thru the very crowded dinning room, rubbing against people, leaning over tables where people were eating...He was very hairy. Please join our roll call & we all can get together about what to wear. It is not a real active roll call with only 6 or so posting. One family had to back out because of work. My TA will be on the ship for her first run out of Miami, so I may have some "insider information" soon. Looking forward to meeting you.

  16. I ran away from home over Thanksgiving for a cruise! Years ago I was care giver to 2 sons & father in law(& husband, of course). My TA goes to the same church we attend & handed me a flyer for a group she had organized...Husband worked long, crazy hours, weekends & holidays & would use golf trips to unwind. He deserved it. The more I thought about that cruise, the more I liked the idea. Things just fell into place-Husband had the holiday off, babysitting for youngest son opened up, etc. I needed that week of being cared for/waited on! Yea they did have some problems (vacuum cleaner & computer blew up, cat got sick) but they managed on their own & I had the patience to deal with it when I got back. They even started a new tradition for Thanksgiving - Prime Rib! Turkey is not a special dish in my house, as I am allergic to beef & cook a lot of "bird" & fish.

    Still, I prefer to travel with DH,now that he is "almost" retired.:)

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