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nain and taid

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Posts posted by nain and taid

  1. Just to emphasise: No passengers wanted the Captain to put the ship in jeopardy. The root cause of the problems encountered was the lack of communications. Saturday evening we learned the visit to Amsterdam was in peril. Not until late Sunday morning did we get another announcement that the wind had beaten us, and then it was Monday afternoon before the captain announced that we would be returning to Southampton early. No attempt to communicate in between times - just the map in the cabin to update us.


    Also, no effort to say sorry/ sound contrite. Just a bland statement of fact.


    When will big companies learn that if they have a problem/strike/mechanical failure/weather malfunction/what ever, all the people affected need to be told what is happening. If the management don't know, tell us that. Don't leave us in limbo, looking out of the windows and wondering. Communications are everything.

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