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Posts posted by tratc1

  1. Does anyone know which port is best ( and least expensive)to buy rum? I dont want to buy so much as to open my own liquor store, but would like to pick up a few bottles for those left at home.Thanks!


    Texas residents only get to bring in 1 liter of booze back with them. My mom lives in Louisiana and could bring back 3 liters with her. Booze is cheap on the ship - didn't check any other places. The ship will take it when you board from a port and give it back to you at the end of the cruise.

  2. Greetings, I've been lurking around here for a couple of weeks reading various posts and getting bunches of good information. My wife and I will be going on our first cruise this June and are very excited, but as you can imagine we have a few questions, so here we go...


    1. Is there a reason not to book the cruise now (4-5 months in advance) or should we go ahead and get'r done now?


    2. Since it's our first cruise we're thinking 'bout an ocean view room instead of a balcony...should we let Carnival select our room and hope for a free upgrade or should we pick our cabin location?


    3. And finally (for now anyway)...My wife may have an issue with seasickness ...from what I've read the back of the ship seems like the most stable...is this accurate? Are there noise issues from the engines or above decks? Opinion on aft-view cabins...







    1. I booked mind about 5 months out.


    2. If you can afford the difference, get a balcony. I've had both and I can't go back to an ocean view room. It is sooooooo worth it having your own little space - sit out there at night. Awesome! Just get it. Go for it!


    3. I heard green apples work and the ship provides you with meds if needed as well. Our dining was in the back of the ship and it was rough!!!!! So, stay mid ship. Of course, the lower you are in the ship, the less swaying you will do in your room if seas are a little rough.


    Have fun - I'm ready to go back. Was on there is in January!!



  3. Does anyone know if we have the use of the mini fridge for our own personal soft drinks? My mom is a TAB drinker and of course bringing her own with her. (thank goodness Carnival allows it!)


    But, she'd like them to be cold on the cruise - so is there a mini fridge in the room and if so, room to add our own items?


    Thanks! 6 days until we sail on the conquest!!!!



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