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Posts posted by Madtalker

  1. To save money you could have one person/ the designated driver head to the Anchorage airport via ships transfer and pick up rental car and everyone else check in at hotel.

    Having a car will allow you flexibility to visit Exit glacier and the rest of the Kenai Peninsula. Depending on when you are there parking can be limited in Seward. Check with hotel if they have parking or do you have to find a place on the street. make sure you go to the Wildlife Conservation center. Not really fancy but you will get to see many animals. Say hello to the eagle Adonis for me. http://www.alaskawildlife.org/

  2. Thanks for confirming the procedure...we're not disembarking in Valparaiso so didn't research the Chile reciprocity fee.

    I understand that if you stop for the day by ship there is not fee. but are you also saying that if you arrive by ship and leave by plane there is no Fee?

  3. According to Wikipedia

    "The leaves of the coca plant contain alkaloids which--when extracted chemically--are the source for cocaine base. However, the amount of coca alkaloid in the raw leaves is small. A cup of coca tea prepared from one gram of coca leaves (the typical contents of a tea bag) contains approximately 4.2 mg of organic coca alkaloid.

    (In comparison, a line of cocaine contains between 20 and 30 milligrams.) Owing to the presence of these alkaloids, coca tea is a mild stimulant; its consumption may be compared to consumption of coffee or tea. The coca alkaloid content of coca tea is such that the consumption of one cup of coca tea can cause a positive result on a drug test for cocaine."

  4. Please help with any recommendations or suggestions for tours 5-8 days post cruise to Machu Picchu after disembarking in Valparaiso/Santiago, Chile. It looks like we will have to begin in Lima and go from there.


    I would appreciate hearing from someone with first hand knowledge of how you handled the altitude.

    Would staying at the Sanctuary Lodge really be beneficial time wise?

    How much time you really spent at the site and if you needed more.

    Is it very strenuous.

    Since we will be coming off the ship we will have two large cases 55 pounds each and two carry-ons. Can you take them or will they have to be stored at the airport or a hotel?


    Any insights or other things of note please share.

  5. Emily - To my neighbor--- yes I could probably walk over to your house or meet you at Starbucks in 5 minutes! Ditto to all the accolades and a round of applause from all of us that you have shared with. I have had a blast reading about your adventure and now have to go back and disect it and make notes to add to our August trip.



  6. If you are going to be pre or post cruise in Copenhagen, Check out what week the Malmo Music Festival is in Malmo Sweden and if your dates work for you to attend. It is a simple train ride from the station over there for a fabulous free street music festival. You get off the train and walk into multiple music venues with every genre of music and street vendors.

    We just happened upon it on the last night of a Baltic Post cruise stay. It was a fabulous end to a wonderful cruise. Just be careful if you have a 24 hour train pass it will not cover you to leave Sweden and return to Copenhagen. Also I think someone else warned on this thread that there is a difference in the Kroner.

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