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Everything posted by Yannn

  1. Yes, you can, but that implies to expose your NAS fully on the internet. Mine can only be reached via my VPN, limiting the surface for attacks.
  2. To summarize, the best would be: leave the geographical restrictions on the NAS (France only in my case), use my NordVPN account localized in France, and then run OpenVPN to reach my NAS. Right?
  3. Apparently VPN do work onboard (and might allow to avoid some restrictions!)
  4. I was thinking about that. But that would imply a VPN in a VPN, as I use OpenVPN to connect to my NAS from outside my home network. I guess it should work, but it would be simpler with just 1 VPN 🙂
  5. Well, a way to know would be to connect to some "what's my IP" site while onboard and connected.
  6. Hi to all! We'll be on the MSC Preziosa in July, to Iceland. I have a NAS. I'd like to be able to reach it from the ship (for example to upload my photos there). For security reasons, access to the NAS is not allowed from abroad by default. I can change the settings to allow access from countries where I go. The question is, what's the "nationality" of the IP adresses obtained onboard? Thank you!
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