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    Pickleball & cruising
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  1. Thank you! We called and changed floors. Your input was helpful and very much appreciated.
  2. We are booked on an upcoming cruise on the VV Valiant Lady. They assigned us room 14130A. The 15th floor Gallery has me worried. If you have had this room, would you advise us to get a lower floor level? TYIA
  3. I didn't realize you could use magnets on the outside walls of the rooms. Thank you.
  4. Another question from this first time VV Valiant Lady sailors. Do they allow magnetic posters on the outside cabin doors (Happy 50th Anniversary)
  5. Our friends are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on this cruise. VV Valiant is aware of this monumental celebration. Do they send flowers, balloons, and/or other items to the room? If not, can we buy these items on board?
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