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Posts posted by teacher90

  1. Your answer was so helpful and now we feel very confident to do this! We are from California in USA. Everyone travels by car here so we are public transportation ignorant, but very impressed with your system in Europe. We saw that we have enough Danish kroners to buy 2 3 zone tickets at 36 each. We have one 50 kroner bill- will the bus driver accept any paper money or does it all have to be coins?

  2. We are coming into Oceanquay on Holland America and going directly to the airport CPH for a flight at 12:30. When we came to Copenhagen last time we were going downtown so we weren't worried about getting on the metro, but were concerned this time because we won't have time to make a mistake. When I first posted, the helpful reply said to take the bus to osterport and board the train to the airport. I now am reading that there is a walk to get to Osterport and I don't want to get lost. Now it looks like it's better to go to Norreport and take the metro to the airport. Does the bus leave you off right near Norreport or do you have to walk to the station? Will we have enough time to do this with a zone 3 ticket? I was also worried about relying on the store to get kroners or using euros on the bus, so I thought we'd get some kroners on the ship. Thank you to everyone who has posted answers!

  3. Thank you so much. Your answer was very helpful. From what I understand bus 27 goes to osterport and 25 goes to osterport and Norreport. From your posting it looks like if we're on 25 we should get off at Osterport. I have a question about buying your ticket on the bus. The Rick Steves guidebook says they accept euros and charge cards, but some postings I read say they only accept small change kroners. Apparently there is a small store near terminal one that you can purchase a ticket, but I didn't want to depend on that. What did you use to purchase your ticket? Also, do you have to put in a machine to get stamped on the bus or is that taken care of when you purchase the ticket from the driver? Your posting really helped us feel comfortable about using the public transportation to get us to the airport in a timely manner!

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