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Posts posted by englishusa

  1. 1 hour ago, spinnaker2 said:

    I like lamb! But then I am half Greek.

    Roasted leg of lamb on the BBQ with plenty of garlic and rosemary served medium rare with spanokopita and roasted potatoes...

    No mint jelly. Never got that "food"

    Spins: Try mint sauce instead. A lot better!( Chopped mint in malt vinegar)

  2. 16 hours ago, SteveH2508 said:

    UK calling - M&Ms we understand (though us oldies think of them as Smarties). As for the others - no idea (and my wife is American!)


    The main US things we have to try to find in UK are Oreos (common now) and Graham Crackers (needed for the base of her awesome Boston Cream Pie). Otherwise my DW has realised that much of the UK produce is as good if not better than the US stuff (Hershey bars are awful for example). We now get most of our food from our local farmer's market (weekly markets in Central London - what's not to like).


    Having lived in the UK for longer than the US now, my wife still goes nuts for cod and chips and roast lamb (both of which were silly expensive in the US apparently).


    Why don't Americans like Roast Lamb?

  3. 2 hours ago, Thaxted333 said:

    Ha ha, I'm female 😄


    May the road rise to meet you,

    May the wind be always at your back,

    May the sun shine warm upon your face,

    The rains fall soft upon your fields and,

    Until we meet again,

    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    My apologies to a sweet Colleen!

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