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Posts posted by Ed&Gary

  1. Hawaii or Mexico? I sure will let you know. You guys had great information for me when you sailed Pacific Princess a couple of months before I did!



    Guess it would have helped if I gave a destination. Hawaii on the Island Princess Dec. 7th, 15 day. Baja Deck LOL

  2. Well guys, change of plans for us. We had to cancel the 29day Australia Cruise on the Diamond P. Seems Garys' Doc didn't want him confined in a plane for 17 to 20 hours. DAM. Oh well we booked the Island Princess for RT to Hawaii in Dec. from LA. Anyone else going?

  3. Ed&Gary



    Were you guys on the Regal Princess from San Francisco to New York, last August?


    (18-day transcanal)



    Yup that was us. We stayed in New York so I could buy a larger size pair of pants to give me something to wear home. I guess one to many time through the buffet lol

  4. Partner and I have to wait till April 2006 for the 29 day Diamond Sydney to San Francisco. 2005 is the year of the house, paint, roof, flooring and saving vacation time to cover the month vacation. Would love to hear from anyone else who might be giving that cruise a try. Now that I think of it I have never been know for my virtue

  5. Hey Channing, My partner and I will be on the Regal Next month on the 24th. The best way to find family IMHO is to check out the boarding photos. A single guy or two guys traveling together in not always a sure thing but its a place to start. Just get the old gaydar working. Have Fun

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