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Rodie H

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Posts posted by Rodie H

  1. To the picky eaters-there is always rice and noodles. I am a vegetarian and I managed quite well. Hey, take pb & j crackers to snack on. Breakfasts were always great--on the Emerald try to mango/mascarpone yogurt-awesome. Yes, their Chinese food is not the same as our American-Chinese, but there will be other foods you will like, just try it. Overall, I loved, loved the trip and experience.

  2. Hello from Beijing. We are at the Kerry Hotel and it is nothing short of magnificent. Our bed is the size of about two queens put together. The bathroom incredible with many controls to use on the toilet! Breakfast was included yesterday morning with our "forced overnight." We arranged a driver to take us to the Mutianu Great Wall, different area than where we will go with Viking tomorrow. An optional tour was offered yesterday for those of us here early to Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven. Today we meet our guide. Weather has been quite good but did get dark yesterday afternoon with some light rain. Beautiful morning right now as we look over the city from this wonderful room. The hotel even gives you some office supplies in a drawer and free mini bar drinks. Peking Duck last night lovely. Tiananmen Square and Forbidden City this morning.


    That's where I stayed April 15 on my trip. It was just the best hotel. Enjoyed reading your post and brining me wonderful memories. Now I prepare for Scandinavia so researching again. Enjoy. Hope you have Arnold as your guide. He's the best!!!!

  3. Hi everyone,


    My husband and I are booked for April 15, 2016, Beijing to Shanghai. Thanks for all the great info.


    Can anyone advise on how much (if any) free time you had in Xian? Either on arrival day - or the day after? Viking's itinerary says that after Terracotta Warriors, then lunch, we have a "free afternoon". Just wondering if this really means you had the entire afternoon free - or just a couple of hours? We'd really like to visit the Hanyangling Museum (near Xian airport) - and would like to know if we would have any free time to do this.


    The free time amounted to a couple of hours max. Friend and I walked to the wall from our hotel, the Hilton, a couple of shops around there to pick up a couple of gifts (noodles for souvenirs for my coffee buds). Then time to get back to the hotel shower and prepare for the Tang Dynasty Show--EXCELLENT.

  4. To the different questions posed--


    My group left early the day we were headed to the ship so we did get to see Pandas.

    As for the railings, I never saw any. I did opt for the squatties (do them in gym class) and felt comfortable with it. I left the Western toilets for the others and there was a line for those. We had a lady in our group that had a disability and she did use the Western ones for sure. Sometimes she could find a handicapped stall. Definitely take the toilet paper, tissues. And, I took hand cleaner rather than use the sink in the bathrooms because there were no paper towels or ways to dry.

  5. Rodie H;


    sooo glad u enjoyed thr trip (and offered to share your experience..)

    1/ did u (someone in your group..) try BSK and Peking Duck? how was it?


    No I didn't try BSK but know some who did and they did enjoy it. The Peking Duck at the restaurant located at the Kerry Hotel I understand was way better than the optional.


    2/ did u take any OPTIONAL TOURS? how was it?

    The optional tours I took were the Summer Palace, Tang Dynasty Show, and the Peking Duck. The Summer Palace was a great optional as was the Tang Dynasty Show/dinner. Not to be missed.


    3/ not being nosy.. but how much Yuans (REMBINI..) and HK$ would u recommend to take just for some local food/trinkets?


    I used the ATMs at the hotels. And at the desk changed the larger bills to smaller ones. I took about $350 American but really didn't use much of it, just some of singles for tips./COLOR]


    4/ were the toilets (holes in ground) u really that bad??


    I was okay with the squatty potties thanks to my gym classes. You would have to wait in a long line for the Western toilets and they were much in demand with some ladies having mobility problems. Definitely take tp, tissues, and hand cleaner.


    5/ how were the line-ups for attractions? hrs? minutes?? bearable??


    No lines really that I can think of. Large crowd at Tiananment Square. The tour guides keep the line going.



    6/ hotel food compared to ship food? edible? delicious? bearable?


    Hotel and ship breakfasts were my favorite. I am a picky eater, not much into meats so rice and noodles worked. Salad when they had them. Some folks got tired quickly of the lazy susan but, heh it's the experience!


    7/ how was smog? temperature? rain??

    No smog-I did bring masks but never needed them. Cool am and warm days. Wind breaker worked just fine. I think there was rain one evening and at the zoo.


    8/ how was "school" visit? can not put my head around the fact that one pays lot of $$ to visit school! ..there are many schools wher I live.. I did not visit since my kids graduated..


    The school visit was charming with the kids entertaining us and we in turn singing. On the way out is a box and you throw in a few dollars or whatever amount you want. The children are so sweet and so happy to see Americans.


    9/ how were the local flight? how much time was wasted on transfers, a/ports etc..

    Some of our flights were delayed most especially the one to Shanghai. The flights do take time as you have to travel a distance to the airports and there's traffic. But ....

    10/ about all that tipping.. do u carry $$ and each day tip driver, guide, local guide, his helper etc? (in my travel i am used to have tips debited last day from my acc..)


    I usually tipped in American dollars but as I had more Yuans left toward the end I tipped in that currency. You tip the driver and the local city guide. At the end you tip the tour director. I left his tip in Yuans. The ship crew you can use a credit card or cash which is placed in a box in the lobby on the next to last day.


    11/ were there "surprises" like ..sorry u stay yet another day in Guilin instead of hong kong..etc..

    I did not extend my trip but wish I had gone on to Hong Kong but was traveling with a group and that wasn't decided on.

    12 were there many people sick?? on boat in buses??


    Our group of 36 had one person sick on the very last day. Other than that no one that I am aware of. I did carry a small pharmacy--immodium, Sudafed, cough drops .... but fortunately didn't need any of it.


    Enjoy, relax, and if you have read all the postings you will know exactly what to expect. Now that I'm unpacked and clothes washed and iron, I look forward to my trip to Scandinavia in July. Oh, one thing, the time adjustment when you return is kind of tough. I'm in the middle of it now.

    kindest regards





    Hope you can read this message.

  6. Returned from Jewels cruise late Thursday evening and can't seem to adjust to time. So I will write at 2:13 am.


    Our group did see the Pandas in Chongqing but that's because we had the very, very early departure from Xi'an.


    I returned with my American money and used the ATM and the front desk to break down the large Yuan bills.


    Great trip but a big chunk of time is spent getting to airports for the three flights and traffic in the city. The sights are awesome. One question about how much time given at the main stops and it was quite adequate.


    Arnold was our tour leader and he was just fabulous. What a nice man and his English is superb. He really took care of us. Oh, crossing the streets is something else so his phrase bunch up like sticky rice when crossing.


    Mike--hope you Janice, Paul and Jane had safe returns. His remarks on food was on the spot. If you are a picky eater, I am, rice and noodles are on each meal. Cruise ship has salads!!!!! Oh, and fruit is good too.


    Enjoy. Any questions pop them over and I'll try to answer.

  7. With my free time in Beijing I want to visit the Silk Market and/or Pearl Market (walking distance from the Kerry Hotel) and Wangfuying Street which is a pedestrian area with flea markets, street vendors. Should be an interesting place to see where locals go; I believe it's lit up at night.


    In Xian I hope to visit the Muslim Market and the Drum Tower--also walking distance from the hotel.


    In Shanghai most likely walk the bund in the evening and visit the Yuyuan Bazaar.


    It's my understanding that meals are included except for the first night when you are on your own. I will probably opt to eat at the hotel after the long flight and rest up for the first day of touring.


    Trip Advisor is a great source of information for things/places to see and visit.



  8. Thanks for the report Going Coastal. If you get a chance, what is the weather really like? I am still almost a month away but when I check reports they range from 32 as the high to 71!


    Do enjoy and I join the others in waiting for reports whenever you get a change.:confused:




  9. Dear Cupkayke: I followed you on a site regarding what you were going to back and I'm so excited to find you again doing this amazing review!!!!! So glad you enjoyed the trip and I loved the photo of you and your husband at Chongghng. Ooops spelling. What a cute couple.


    I am doing the Viking China Emerald trip in April and sure hope it's warmer than you found it! As I've been researching and reading on the China posts I know about bringing snacks, etc. Hadn't read about the empty water bottle, thanks. I will take into account the leggings. I am not planning on bringing much clothing; I've been know to do that in the past. I will take pepto bismal tablets, Tylenol, cough meds etc. Any other med. suggestions? Sounds like you had an interesting group of fellow passengers.


    Hope you get back to see this message. And, I will check back. I feel as though I've been to China now.

  10. By the way ~ for those of you have taken a River Cruise in China ~ I have read there may be a steep treck up and down to the dock with your carry-on in hand. Am I being superficial taking the big, pretty Coach bag that matches my suitcase?? Should I just stick to the backpack I've carted around comfortably the last couple of years??? :o


    I plan to take a small rolling duffel, besides the 24" suitcase, for the trekking up the dock and long distances we'll need to cover walk in the Chinese airports. I am planning on one travel outfit to and from, wash there, dry and put away. A pair of comfy jeans, dressy jeans, ponte ankle pants, and possible a pair of black jeans. And enough tops to wear 2-3 times each. Scarves for sure and fun necklace for dress up in case.


    I know, too much thinking and one throws in the extra pair just in case. Let us know what you finally decide and it may very well be my packing guide!!

  11. Cupkayke, I am really interested in your posts because I will be heading to China in April for 2 weeks. So I know what you are facing.


    Also heard about the liquids. As to the coats/jackets for flight, I would wear the T and use a hooded fleece sweater. Love the brown purse? Looking forward to other suggestions you may be receiving.


    I also will travel with my 24" suitcase and a 19" rolling duffel carry on. My daybag will be a small backpack with the tp! And, pepto bis. chewables. The chewables came in so wonderfully on my recent trip to Turkey!!

  12. I am supposing adapters are needed. Please let me know and if the European adapters work in China, which I either read or heard about.


    Any one know what I can expect about April weather? I have read it can be cool and rainy in Beijing but also wondered if it warms up as you travel south.


    Really enjoy reading all the posts! Thanks a million to the posters.

  13. Rhkls and Bruin Steve. Many thanks for your posts as it gives those of us lined up for the cruise great info. Know that we appreciate you taking time to posts. Enjoy yourselves!!! Sounds like factory stores are the shopping stops unless one goes on their free time.

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