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Posts posted by Kas55

  1. With lots of media coverage on Norovirus and cruises bombarding us, I have come across many folks who are too scared to cruise because of this illness ruining their vacations. Older and immunocompromised people are the ones who are especially concerned, and rightly so.


    So, how do you protect yourself from this horrible illness as best as you can?


    Here are a few of my tips, which, hopefully will help you, too:


    !) Carry your own medical kit - Immodim, electrolyte replacements, Florastor, and if necessary, get your doctor to ensure you have a relevant antibiotic with you. Much better to be prepared than having to wait for the ship doctor and pay out even more.


    2) Keep your hands scrupulously clean at all times. I carry my own bottle of hand sanitizer, and if I touch anything public ( a hand railing, dish up spoon in the buffet, shake hands etc), I clean my hands immediately afterwards. a

    3) Keep your hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes at all times.


    4) Carry your own disinfectant ( I like the P73 Oregano spray) and a clean cloth, and wipe down your door knobs, railings your toilet seat, your faucets and the telephone. This will kill off any germs left behind by earlier passengers and even your stateroom attendants.


    5) Watch people in the buffet area. I have seen folk dishing up with their hands, or picking at food items and putting them back. If you see this, please let an attendant know immediately, so that the food can be removed and replaced. Ditto if you see anyone coughing or sneezing into/near a food item.


    6) If you work out on gym equipment, wipe it down first, and also do so when you have finished your workout.


    7) Be aware of food which could be contaminated and either avoid it or wash it yourself. This pertains to fruit, vegetables and salads, mainly. Ensure your meat, chicken, fish is cooked through properly.


    8) Be aware of what you eat on shore. Standards in some countries may not be what you are used to, or your system many not be able to tolerate lesser cleanliness. Especially watch out for food items that lie open in markets or food from mobile street units.


    9) Be aware of ice in drinks and poured soft drinks. Always better and safer to get something in an unopened bottle or can.



    10) If you do pick up a gastric bug, treat it immediately. Stop eating solid food for a day or two. Drink lots of fluids and introduce solids slowly and carefully. Rest up and let the authorities know you are ill. Keep washing your hands and keep any surfaces you touch disinfected.



    Safe and healthy cruising to us all!

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