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Posts posted by trippe1075

  1. I need to get a part of a sleep apnea to my father currently on a Princess Cruise. Has anyone ever mailed a package to a ship? Any advice is appreciated. TIA

  2. On 8/8/2023 at 11:39 PM, smichael2646 said:

    At first I was a little upset with this change but as my husband reminded me, “It’s one less person we have to tip”.  Even though tips are included we always tip beyond that, and we really don’t use the Butler that often.  Every time we have sailed on Celebrity our Cabin Stewart has gone above and beyond for us.  From my understanding is that you can call if there is something you would like done that would fall under the butler.  I am more upset that they cancelled my cruise on the Reflection that was going to Key West and am now going to CoCoCay which if you aren’t a beach person is the biggest rip off.  I stopped cruising with Royal because the ships were crowded, rules were not being enforced and they would nickel and dime you for everything while taking more and more away.  I hope Celebrity isn’t headed in the same direction.   I remember when the Royal Suite had a fully stocked bar, and the Junior Suite was a suite, you would earn “bucks” for participating in certain programs that you could hand in for a t-shirt or other gifts.  Miss the days when Royal’s service was that of Celebrity’s,  such as on the Song of America.  Sorry about the rant, just love Celebrity and am so scared it’s headed in the same direction as Royal.

    I agree with the butler not being needed during the cruise but it is my understanding that the tips are no longer included in SS prices. With that being said, I feel X has downgraded service but hasn't reduced the price. SS are becoming a very high priced luxury that falls short of the benefits. 

    • Like 2
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  3. On 8/1/2023 at 1:24 PM, chromered7 said:

    Does the new boss of Celebrity really care about their long established and faithful customers with the raft of changes she is implementing? Perhaps they are aiming for a new demographic of young passengers who have never experienced the quality that Celebrity once was?

    I believe that there is a move in the cruising industry to reduce services that have been long held dear to veteran cruisers. Those perks will go by the wayside and the only people who will realize the changes are the veterans. There are far more new cruisers taking cruises today who really never experienced those perks we complain about on this site losing.

    As veteran cruisers, it is imperative that we voice our concerns on this site as well as in person onboard ships. Money talks and so must your business. If you feel the line is doing you a disservice than you have to rethink your line loyalty. 

    • Haha 1
  4. We booked an 8 day Caribbean route on Reflection in Feb. 2024. We were hoping that Bingo will make a comeback on Celebrity ships. We recently sailed on Edge and Summit. We always write a review asking for Bingo to come back as an activity.


    Does anyone have info on the return of Bongo! 

  5. 1 minute ago, bkrickles1 said:

    Yes, everyone must submit and receive approval. The $40 per person is the key. Total money grab.

    Once the ship enters Bermuda territorial waters, you're in Bermuda. So, TA and payment are required.

    I believe, even Bermudians that leave and return are required to do this too.

    Money grab is right. Thanks for the feedback

  6. 4 hours ago, zaxanon6 said:

    Thank you! The anticipation has been killing me this week as I tried to wrap things up at work. I've discovered there are more cruise lovers in my office than I previously thought, and we had a great time reminiscing about past trips. Now I must convince them to try Celebrity...

    Hopefully negative tests results, safe flights and having cold drinks at the sail away. See you onboard.

  7. We sailed on the Edge on September 4, 2021. It was a fantastic cruise and the ship and crew were amazing. Much to our surprise, there was no Bingo held each day on the ship. With the average age of cruisers on the ship probably in the 70's, you would think Bingo would be a big hit. We did mention this on our pot-cruise survey. Does anyone know why Celebrity doesn't offer bingo?? TIA 

  8. I will be on the Escape in a couple of months and would love to know what desserts I should not miss. I already know, from other posts, that the lava cake is good.

    What else is out there? Are there any great chocolate desserts?



    You must not miss having the flourless chocolate cake. It is to die for!

  9. On our BA cruise last week, we went to see Spice H2O one day just after lunch and didn't see an empty chair anywhere. I will admit to not looking for a long time (we had Vibe passes and spent our few sun hours there), but it was definitely in full use.


    What is a Vibe pass?

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