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Posts posted by mumof3qts

  1. Gee, so many things I look forward too... the bell they ring before the captain speaks (at all hours)... the coffee room service first thing in the morning THEN having a proper breakfast later... the crossword puzzle table on HAL ships... meeting new friends every night at dinner... dropping my 7 yr old off in Club HAL and him begging, "please don't pick me up early mom"... spending hours looking for whales, dolphins etc... the slam of the cabin door... and finally, the all to unfamiliar and sometimes disconcerting feeling I have when we're "at sea" and I can't take customer calls, clean the house, fold laundry, drive to soccer, help with homework, pack a lunch or make a dinner! Ahem! Come on August 14th... next HAL cruise in the Baltic Sea then So. America and Antartica with the whole Fam Damily in December... Here's cheers!

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