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Posts posted by nick_091909

  1. I was curious if someone who has sailed the Splendor in the last month or so could let me know if the sports bar is a smoking or non-smoking area. My Raiders are playing on Monday night football while we're sailing and I was just wondering if the "Our House" lounge was going to be smoke free during the game. Thanks to anyone who knows :)

  2. I hope the crew stairwell isn't really loud.


    Speaking of noise, does anyone know if the Splendor has the new flat screen TVs? On the Paradise the TVs were really old and had a green tint. I know, why do I go on a cruise to watch TV. TV goes great with late night room service. :)


    When I was on in 2009 we had the flat sreens with the whole interactive setup; buying excuesions, checking S&S card, ordering PPV movies, able to check dining menus. Was a pretty nice setup :)

  3. I love roulette on cruises, but I kow it's all luck. In Vegas I get my arse kicked, but I tend to do well on ships (knock on wood). I usually stick to collums, red/black, or sets. My last cruise I finished up about $450, which is a lot for me. Once I was way up I got more confident inlarger bets such as $50 on red. These paid off more often that I lost. By the end I had 4 casino security guards watching me play the table. I fealt "special" :p I'm such a dork. But yeah I like it, and I usually set aside 100 I'm willing to lose each cruise and make an evening of it. Gonna try again this September...can't wait!

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