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Posts posted by mebecindi

  1. We have a tour booked with Courtney for Sept. 2012.... This will be our first cruise and we are very excited. But since I have booked this tour with Courtney I am even more excited.

  2. I see alot of mention about Ocho Rios. We are docking in Montego Bay and would just like to sight see around that area. Does he do this. Can anyone recommend things for us to do in Montego Bay. My biggest fear is the ship leaving us.

  3. I just read your post to the Andrew and he is teary eyed. He is so happy that folks he doesnt even know are sending him love. His burns are healing nicely and I am so happy to have him alive and next to me.


    I started calling him "the Andrew" because I talk about him so much that I feel people get sick of hearing me talk about him. "The Andrew" seems to take the edge off of that. Not to mention, he is such a character that he is an entity in and of itself.:D


    We are silently hoping you win the lottery. LOL


    Additionally I am on Facebook if you are interested. :O)


    Awwww, thanks for the reply.....First off I would love to keep in touch via Facebook.... you can find me by my email at mebecindi@aol.com

    I have it set to private cuz of the wierdos.....but as soon as I get a friend request I will accept it.


    And as far as winning the lottery, I cross my fingers everyday....lol


    As far as Andrew, I am sorry but I guess I missed the part about him being burned in the fire. Was he injured very bad..... I am happy to hear that he is healing good....

    Again, I loved your review and I am going to go now and see if I can open the link and view the rest of your pictures.....

    I do have one question about smoking....We are smokers but becuase our kids will be with us we wont be smoking in the room. However we are getting a balcony....My husband wants to know how difficult it is to find places to smoke.....Are the smoking areas of the ship labeled.....We dont want to get the evil eye for lighting up in the wrong areas.......

    Sorry for Rambling......

  4. I just came across your review yesterday. I have to say this is the best review I have ever read.....

    I loved the details and all the photos. We haven't cruised yet but plan too next April. I read all 21 pages and it was GREAT....

    I am so sorry to hear about Andrews home burning down.....

    I have to ask, when talking about him you always said..."the Andrew". Did I miss something? lol


    I am going to pull up your link tonight when i get home and look at all the pictures, I cant wait.


    I wish yall guys the best of luck and as another poster said, If I should win the lottery I will also pay for you guys a cruise.....I think yall would be so much fun to cruise with......

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