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Posts posted by atog254

  1. I suffered the Novo Virus a few years ago and had always used the sanitizers whenever entering the dining area. It is not you but the other guy that thinks they are too good to "Have To"


    Now I have gone one more step. When you think of how much you touch and then touch your face, I use the stations to clean my hands then one final precaution. Since I have facial hair, I rub the last squirt on my face! May not help, but makes me feel better. LOL

  2. Several years ago - the gangway was already up but they did put it back down for me and when I ran to the top, the security officer gave me "%$#@" :eek:


    Worst part of the near miss was that all I had on me was the ship card and $5! I had taken some bottles back to the ship and changed into my bathing suit, went back on shore and had a few too many. To make things worst yet, I am a diabetic and had no other ID or credit card to get back home!


    I also no longer say "I don't want to go home!" :rolleyes:


    Several cruises later and still staying ashore as long as possible, but do watch the time much closer.


    BTW - this was in St. Maarten

  3. Until 2 years ago, all of my cruises had been in the Caribbean for 5 - 12 days. That cruise was our first across the Atlantic and for a total of 39 days (7 days in W. UK, 12 day Spain, France Portugal - Wine Cruise, 2 days in Venice, followed by a 17 day TA, Italy, Monaco, Spain, Portugal, Azores)




    1. Check all prescriptions and be sure you have them filled just prior to the trip and take enough for the cruise + a few days - Just in case. Talk with your pharmacist. They will be very helpful.

    2. Get new written prescriptions from each doctor for the prescriptions you will be carrying.

    3. Obtain a letter from your doctor for the carrying of syringes, and although on the pump, carry enough for your trip. This helps with TSA questions.

    4. If carrying a CPAP, I would advice doing the same.

    5. Advise TSA that you are wearing an INSULIN PUMP. Never had a problem by doing so - No surprises!

    6. If on an extended trip, obtain a back-up from your pump supplier.

    7. MOST IMPORTANT - All medical is carried on, NEVER check it in!

    8. Also, double check everything before you leave home! I once came very close leaving my insulin reservoirs in the Ref.

    9. Check your sugar levels a little more often. Watch what you eat and drink!

    10. And have a good time! :)


    I am not a medical person, just talking form 25 years experience as a diabetic that loves to travel & cruise.

  4. After almost 20 cruises, we finally enjoyed a Drink Package! Only because it was part of the cruise package. Never thought it to be a cost effective option.


    Have to admit that I over did it the first night, but after paying the price the next day, I slowed down the remaining 12 days.


    Now my wife can buy as she drinks vs having to purchase the drink package for only 1-2 drinks per day.


    Great News! And thank you for informing us!


    Now the question is:

  5. As a tax auditor, STRESS was the big factor.


    One day, after almost 29 years, I said ENOUGH! Called HR to find out how much time it took to process retirement papers and by 3:00 that afternoon - I WAS RETIRED!


    5.5 years later, and on a few cruises each year - I do not miss it at all. Seldom think about what I did unless I meet a former auditee.


    I was planning on going for 30 years, but found out that it only made a difference of $12.75 per month. The aggravation was not worth it!


    Quietly sat at my desk and clean out the drawers, during lunch cleaned out the assigned vehicle and after lunch clean up the computer. At HR, gave them my ID Card and told them to inform the office that I had retired!


    Just did a B2B in the Caribbean during that extreme cold period in Jan - Feb. Timing is every thing and retirement has been GREAT!

  6. I agree with Maldenmusic.


    Every cruise we are on, I design and post a cabin door sign with an area for posting msgs with a dry marker.


    Once, during the MLB World Series, the sign was a score board which was updated by calls from the Purser's Office. Unbelievable how many msgs were left by fellow passengers! :D


    We gave up on the radios on board, but when with a group, we take them for visits on shore.

  7. That will be the sunny side of the ship so that you will be warmer on the balcony while crossing the Atlantic.


    Hope your crossing is a good as ours two years ago. Sunny, light breeze, NO waves almost glass, and warm enough to be in the pool daily. Got most of my tan during the TA.


    Enjoy and take photos! You will see other ships during the crossing.

  8. I have decorated our cabin door for many cruises over the years and have never had a problem. Since I work in graphics, I design a laminated cabin signs that can use a dry eraser and use double faced tape that can be easily removed.


    This tip is just in time for an October cruise! One of my favorites was designed with a daily upgrade of the World Series scores, using both MLB team logos. The purser's office kept us updated with the scores.


    All my design have an area for a MSG board.


    Most recent was our European Adventure with a "Bucket List" check off of things we wanted to do, see or visit. Daily remarks noted on the Msg board indicated our sign was a BIG hit! Caught several cruisers taking photos of our door. Our cabin steward even asked us to autograph our sign when we disembarked.


    Have fun ................ I'll be looking for door signs on our B2B Celebrity Constellation and Crown Princess Caribbean cruises in Jan. 2014. Ours will be decorated with 2 parrots dressed as Pirates and a Delaware flag.

  9. I started placing cabin door signs outside ## cruises ago. Not to find our cabin but to have fun!


    Some cruisers need to lighten up. :rolleyes: They are always the ones that complain about everything - "The sun is on the wrong side of the ship or ................"


    On our last trip, I designed a sign with our "39 day Bucket List" Things we planned to see or do, ports/countries visited, etc. And to the side was a message board with a dry marker to let my wife know where I am or when I will return - Msgs to others and a "Quote of the day or Drawing"


    Years ago, our cruise was during the World Series so I design a score board and had the purser's office send me updates on the games.


    The MSG board has been proof that others were watching our cabin door! After ## cruises, only one nasty msg and NO thefts! I have over heard fellow passengers talking about our door and seen them taking pictures of the signs.


    Since I work in graphics, my boards are always in good taste and are laminated. I use double faced tape and remove all prior to leaving the ship. They fit inside one suitcase and take up no space!


    Next trip is a bit different as we are doing B2B on two different cruise lines Jan. 2014 out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL Already designed and ready to be printed! (Two green parrots dressed as pirates holding beer mugs)


    If you happen to see one ........ leave a msg! Or at least SMILE! :D

  10. I use to work with the Weight & Measures office of my state and have a major problem with airport scales. To my understanding they are not required to have them calibrated.


    On two recent trips, I have weighed our luggage at home prior to leaving home. Once with our digital luggage scale and again with our digital bath scales which has been within less than 1/2 lb of our doctor's scales.


    Upon arrival at the airport was told we were over weight by 4-7 lbs. :eek: At home, we were several pounds under the limit.


    I am not about to pay these bandits anything and have either shifted weight or have left items in our car prior to boarding. No point in arguing with them only to have problems with TSA. :mad:


    Unfortunately, I have never thought to discuss this with the proper authority. :confused:


    Any ideas?

  11. Last year Port Authorities wanted to confiscate by 8 foot extension cord for my CPAP machine. After requesting higher level of authority 3 times - yes 3 times, I was finally allowed to board the EOS out of Cape Liberty, NJ


    Never got an explanation what the problems was.


    Have worn out 2 machines and would not consider checking my CPAP.


    On Insulin Pump as well and always obtain letters from DR's regarding the carrying of CPAP, insulin, and back up syrines, as well as the various medications I take daily. At security, I politely explain what I am carry before I get to the x-ray screening. Other than last year, have had no problems for many cruises and flights!

  12. Hey guys!


    Hot Head from Delaware here! On the Nov. 18th Silhouette cruise out of Bayonne and doing the Challenge again! Been in touch with a few from last years EOS cruise. Jim Rose who won the ornament and Jen Porsche & family - She had another girl in July!


    Have a good time!


    And I will be watching for responses regarding the Ron Tiki. Also walked the plank years ago!



  13. While my DW thinks it's dorky, I've have fun designing cabin door signs over the years!


    1. Shortly after we retired, our cabin door sign was a tropical theme with a parrot lying in a hammock between two palm trees. "Retired and having fun!"

    2. During the 2009 World Series Phillies vs Yankees, I designed a Baseball themed sign and the pursors office gave me the latest game scores which I would post on the sign. That was also the first sign that I provided space for others to leave msgs.


    3. Last year, 2 weeks after the Carnival ship that lost it's engines and had to be towed into port, the cabin door design was a floral tropical theme with the international symbol for DO NOT with a can of Spam inside the circle. If you recall, since the kitchens were unable to cook food, they had to serve passengers Spam.


    4. This year, I am working on a design with 3 parrots dressed as pirates holding beer mugs. Unless I come up with something better!


    I think the World Series cabin door sign was the best! I heard passengers talking about it at the buffet and pool areas that had no idea it was our cabin. And I know that the room stewards talk about the signs as well.


    Helps me find our cabin faster after partying and visiting the pubs at night!


    Life is short - so have fun!


    Married 39 years, 3 months, 16 days - Happily for 10 and they have not been consecutive! LOL


    Steve :cool:

  14. Anyone know how to post an Excel Spreadsheet on this thread?


    I have reworked the Drink Package Evaluator Spreadsheet so it will calculate the totals for Port/Sea days.


    It is attached to our Roll Call for those on the Silhouette Nov. 18th cruise, but unable to attach it here yet.


    It is extremely easy to use!


    AND, if I convert to Google Docs. it changes too many formulas and formats to make it worth cornverting.


    Happy Sailings to all!


    Steve :cool:

    Cntrl DE

  15. OK, Thanks for guiding me to per drink prices on the Celebrity page. Although, the prices were from mid 2010, others have assured me per unit prices remained the same.


    I have greatly improved the Drink Package Evaluator. Only input is no. of days (at sea/in port) and estimated no. of drinks. The work paper will calculate everything for you and you can then compare to the various drink packages. Those with "Ciber-phopia" - I improved the spreadsheet for you!


    The only thing that remains to be done, is find out how to insert it into the CC boards! Any body know the procedures - or must I be limited to Google documents? That in it's self creates problems.


    I have included it with the Roll Call for our next cruise and those that have seen/used it only have positive comments!



  16. Recently saw a news report regarding a floating mass of garbage in the pacific ocean that was larger than the state of Texas! I had no idea.


    If you can find this on Youtube this is a "Must See!"


    I have actually picked up garbage and placed same into refuge cans when possible.


    You and only you must decide how you want to handle this!



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