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Posts posted by mainewoods

  1. Hi Jeffrey1950.

    I think you were wondering about this before, to which you and I chatted on here, but I'm not sure how to get that info for you, or what to search on in order to pull it up. But in a nutshell..


    I've been on the Caribbean. Quebec, and this July 4/Independence Day voyage. I've been on the July 4 one a few times, with the latest one being in 2017. There's actually two sea days, as the ship leaves Boston very early in the AM, so it'll list it as Boston, Boston on the itinerary.


    In previous years, my experience was that once I booked that voyage, the price usually didn't go down much. I think it did in 2017, so you never know. If you look at the specials right now, it's lists inside cabin for that voyage as $1149 (USD). It also is the same price for the 7-day NYC to Quebec (or Quebec to NYC). That's a nice voyage too if you can find a way to get to/back from Quebec. Or the round trip would be nice too. Last year, I did the NYC to Quebec sector. I rented a car out of Quebec and drove it back to my home (I'm only 4 hours from there).


    Would I book the Independence Day voyage again. Oh, probably because of my limited time off, and I really need a QM2 'fix'.


    Other than what seems to be a higher price per day cost of that voyage, the only other 'con' I can think of when I'm considering whether to book it or not, is that the ship has a different atmosphere on that voyage, and it seems rushed. There's only two sea days, so the queues for the Queen's Tea is long and crowded (to which it may be on longer voyages too - but I don't remember that 'running to see everything' feeling on the longer voyages), and also for the Planetarium. I don't know, the ship just feels more rushed and crowded.


    I think the 2019 voyage is 7 days, so that might be a nice voyage, depending on the cost.


    She's a beautiful ship, and you'll have a wonderful time regardless. But unless I'm strapped for vacation time, or I love the itinerary, then for the money, I'd always choose the longer voyage with her.


    I know... you're hooked. Me too. I even have spreadsheets with the 2018/2019 TA voyages and I keep looking for ways to get back on the ship. But, due to timing, cost, and a host of other things... yes, I might have to just sign up for another July 4 voyage.


    Good luck. I know what you're going through.

  2. I did go to Cunard.com and followed your sequence. Too funny. What a site. Thanks for your help on that by the way.


    Also, another quirk (I think). I have a page bookmarked only because I can't find it any other way by clicking around and generally looking. It's the "Ask Cunard" page. It's really helpful. It's not the same page as the FAQs.


    Here's the link. https://ask.cunard.com/help/before-you-sail/


    But once you're on the page, and you want to click on the link to Ask Cunard (home), you can hover over it and see the address as https://ask.cunard.com/help but once clicked, it just goes back to the cunard.com home page.


    So, I keep the bookmark 'Ask Cunard' handy as it has a lot of good info, it's just I can't seem to find it any other way. Am I missing something?


    I just noticed something. When I'm on the "Ask Cunard" page, it doesn't appear to be a US site due to the phone number to request a callback. But the URL is clearly not a co.uk web address.


    So I clicked on the 'help and advice' at the top right corner of the page (to which Cunard.com homepage does not have), and it brings up a page that says:


    We are updating our system


    Thank you for visiting Ask Cunard. We are currently busy updating our site with new features for your enjoyment. Please bear with us, we will hopefully be back with you shortly.

    To book visit cunard.co.uk

    If you have already booked, why not visit Voyage Personaliser? You can view your booking details and pre book dining reservations, shore excursions spa and salon services.

    Find out more


    the "Find out more" is not an actual hyperlink on the page. So not sure what they're expecting here. When I click on the link for 'cunard.co.uk' it launches me to cunard.com (US) site.


    So I wonder how I'm actually able to view the Ask Cunard site if it appears that it's a UK site? And, if it's on the UK site, why not the US site too? It sure does have a lot of good info on it.

  3. You're right again bluemarble. And from what you've explained, really drives home some of the quirkiness of the site.


    Let me explain. Try this. Go to Cunard.com and at the top menu, click on "Cruise Deals" then choose "Caribbean" under the "Sailing Soon Savings" . Open that page.


    When you're on the page with the listing of the Caribbean voyages (or voyage), now go up and click on the "Find and book a cruise" link at the top menu.


    In the dropdown "where would you like to go", you'll see that there is no "USA" or "Canada" option. Only "USA and Canada".


    Cunard webpage... gotta love it!

    • Her (QM2) elegance (I've only sailed on QM2, but I'm going to bet that the other two queens are just as elegant)
    • Her sophistication, without being snooty
    • Her decor. Beautiful artwork, art deco, fresh flowers.
    • Beautiful music. Quartet, Harp.
    • Her passengers.
    • Her lovely shape. I mean really, isn't she just stunning when she's docked and you look up at her bow from below?
    • Educational/enrichment series.
    • Wow, there's just so much to list....

    I especially love that there are no hairy ankle contests; no loud music; no annoying announcements; no animal shaped towels; no garish brass, mirrors and colors; no plastic palm trees; no climbing walls or ziplines.

  4. Woo hooo... you're right.


    I did check one of the quirks that I noticed before, and their search still leaves a lot to be desired.

    Okay, say for instance I want to search (on the Cunard.com site) for the Independence Day Short Break, I'll search for voyages and use the drop-down "Where would you like to go" and select "USA and Canada". Simple enough right? Well not so much. It doesn't call up that voyage on the search results. It will if I search by date though.


    And we just put up with these little annoyances because, well, we love Cunard... but really Cunard, Really?

  5. I've been trying to view the Cunard.com webpage and haven't been able to for a couple days. It'll go to the page, but not bring up all the images. The circle just spins and spins, doesn't load the images and says it's 'waiting for cdn.css.cunard.com' or 'cdn.images.cunard.com.'


    I've tried from different locations using my linux system (Firefox), Microsoft Windows 10 (Explorer), and Windows 7 (Firefox). Different locations tells me that it's not an internet speed issue at my house.


    Is anyone else having issues? It's so frustrating because I need my Cunard fix... I'm starting to have withdraw symptoms.




  6. Meet and great....sounds like a plan !! I think you read my posting wrong, have not spoken to my boss as yet but will in January. If she says yes then I will book for sure book. Looking forward to maybe meeting you onboard. Next problem is what to bring to wear. I am a great planner, I plan everything I bring to the littlest detail. I am sure that first evening out passengers to not get too dressed up. What size of table would you recommend? Am I right to assume there is only one formal night?


    OMG... I though I was the only one to plan everything to detail. I even have a checklist, and I write out what to wear for each day (daytime and dinner) - and I keep said checklist so I can refer to it next time. I even write notes about the voyage (these shoes worked, this dress didn't, etc.).


    What I'm doing this time is just bringing one long black skirt (for formal), and two sparkly tops. I first thought that there would be two formal evenings. Usually they're on sea days, but being that the last sea day is just before arriving back in NYC, then I'm not so sure. But I can always wear the long skirt/top even for informal. I try to do a lot of mixing and matching of my day clothing to cut down on packing. I also have used the laundry service (not laundromat) a few times for my day-wear.


    The first evening would be informal probably. I 'plan' my day wear with some sort of blouse that I can just add the skirt for the dinner - especially on the first evening, as I like to go to the sail-away, and don't have a lot of time to get ready. I did buy three of those 'walkabout' knit dresses at TravelSmith. Those travel nice. You can ball them and they don't wrinkle. If I can get enough nerve to wear them during the sea days (think, big bird in nylons), then I can also use those dresses for dinner (just add a nice shawl/scarf,shrug). For any port days, I wear pants because I like to wear sneakers for the excursions.


    I've had tables for two, table for four, and table for eight for dinner (I'm always in the Britannia dining room). If you like more intimate conversation, then smaller table. If you like to chat among a few other folks, then larger table is nice. When I was seated at a larger table, we had wonderful table mates. Great conversations. This time, my SIL opted for a table for 4, but I figure since I have a smaller in the evening, I can aways ask for a larger table for breakfast or lunch, and meet a lot more people.


    One advantage of doing the July voyage is that you know you'll have nicer weather the entire time. On Caribbean voyages, you have cold to start (along with first wearing your cold weather clothing) and you also need to bring hot weather clothing. On the Quebec voyage (froze my buns off up there) you need heavy sweater, and in my case a wool scarf, gloves, coat. In July, it's warm, but it's a good idea to bring a sweater (as we are going North) and perhaps an umbrella.


    Fingers crossed for your time off.

  7. That's wonderful Liz you've got the go ahead to take time off of work. Funny, I just told my boss... guess what, I'm taking time off to go on QM2 again. What can he do, fire me? Woo hoo... more time to cruise. Hmmm... less money though. "Donations, Donations..."


    If you check out the roll call, as time goes on, they might set up a 'meet and greet'. I've never been to one, but might this time. Perhaps I'll see you there.

  8. Too funny !! I really enjoy reading your response's. Much, as I would like to do the Caribbean one I think I will do the July one like yourself and take it from there.


    Thank you for the compliment. I hope to help. I'm 'paying it forward' as I had some questions a couple weeks ago (about spa swimwear) and everyone was so kind in their responses, and so very helpful to me.


    There's a roll call for that July 1 voyage going right now. Only myself and the OP have responded on it so far. But it'll get more active as time nears.


    As I mentioned on the roll call; I've been on that very voyage (July 1) maybe about 4 times now. And I've always been too tired to stay up to watch the Boston fireworks from the deck (yeah, I'm such a party animal - Ha... I'm in my fuzzy slippers and PJs by then). I think I'll actually stay up and watch - although they say it's a little far off and you have to look though the spaces in the buildings (someone who knows can pipe in and confirm). There's usually a lot going on in Boston during that time frame we're there.


    Halifax is nice too. I've only done a hop-on/hop-off type tour, and that was a good way to get acquainted with it. But this time, I'd like to learn more about the Titanic if there is an excursion. My SIL has gone to Peggy's Cove and said she loved it. Seems to be a popular excursion.


    Oh, and I'm not sure if you know, but when you look at the description of the voyage, it lists NY; at sea; Halifax; Boston; Boston; NY. One would assume that there is only one sea day, but there's really two. The ship pulls out of Boston in the wee hours (maybe just past midnight), but that day before we head into New York is really a sea day to enjoy.


    Is this your first time aboard QM2? I don't have the thread showing above this as I type, so I don't know if you have a signature that indicates it or not.


    Oh, just one more story if I may... yeah, I know... TLDR. IF you've not been on QM2, you should really go up to the deck after she pulls out of dock in Brooklyn, and watch as she goes under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. I'm usually getting ready for early seating in the dining room, and have alway missed it. But on my Caribbean 2015 voyage, I did late seating, and was able to go up on deck to watch. All I can say it "WOW". A sight to see as she just barely clears it. I thought it would be so cool to video the whole thing. I had the right spot, and the perfect angle, and watched through my camera and panned as she went under the bridge. What a perfect way to remember that... Well... dummy me didn't have the 'record' button pushed on my camera, and didn't tape a thing. But I'll still always remember... and there's aways YouTube.


    Good luck.


  9. My goodness, what great replies. Of course you nice people have made the choice even harder for me. Leaning towards the Caribbean, but I am still going to ponder over the July trip. Taking into account the price difference between November and July I feel even at todays rates November is a great price...decisions, decisions !!!


    Funny, when I read your reply, your last sentence "decisions, decisions", I read it wrong and thought it said "donations, donations". Chuckle...


    Heck... do both! I signed up for the July 1 anyway, and I'll watch the prices next Oct/November for either a B2B or Caribbean (if I can save up enough vacation days).

  10. Okay, I have pondered over doing the 5 day to Halifax in July still cannot make up my mind. This evening I saw another trip that caught my eye. New York trip to the Caribbean leaving Nov. 26th. returning December 8th. This sounds good but my questions to anyone who has done this one in the past are: How many days after you leave N.Y before you start feeling the weather getting warmer? Is the dress code and standard of service basically the same as a Transatlantic crossing? Looking forward to reading your replies.


    Thank you !!


    I've done the Caribbean in November 2015 (I think it was the first November one that QM2 has done in a while). I remember being very surprised on the first morning waking up and going out on my sheltered balcony and felt how balmy it was. Maybe just fine weather there at the time, but I would say definitely by the second morning you'll feel the warmth.


    I've never done Transatlantic yet (hope to soon), but I would say that the dress code was adhered to as best as any other voyage I've taken. I expected more fiesta flare in the dresses, etc. but I don't think that at dinner (whether formal or informal) that I saw any deviation from the code. People were all dressed quite lovely.


    I have also done (about four) July 1 Boston/Halifax five day voyages. If you're still pondering between the two, perhaps I can offer my two cents also:


    July 1: Shorter voyage which is good to get your feet wet on whether you enjoy the QM2 (if you've never sailed her before). It allows for using less vacation time due to the number of days, plus a holiday (if you're able to take advantage of that). But... the con is that it is typically more expensive per day, and I've not seen it come down in price. I am however booked on that voyage in 2017.


    Caribbean (November): More sea days. Jumps from island to island in the middle of the voyage, then sea days. Warm weather. Price came down drastically this year (2016). I will watch the prices of that one in 2017 to see if the prices drop like they did (but it's always a gamble). Even without the price drop, I suspect that the per-diem rate is lower than the July 1 voyage.


    Either way, if you've not taken QM2 before, be forewarned... she's addictive. You'll no sooner get off the ship, and you'll be looking for your next voyage.

  11. Great ideas on the dress/cover-up for going back to my room as I didn't even think of that. I just assumed I'd change there in the spa. I think I'd much rather shower and change in my room where I have all my stuff - but definitely don't want to go into public areas unless I was dressed appropriately. I have a couple of those 'walkabout knit dresses' from Travelsmith that would work perfectly for this - and bonus... I just went on and bought another one. I do wonder how icky it would feel with a wet bathing suit underneath your dress, but I guess it would only be a few minutes as I stop by at the King's Court on my way to the room.


    Do the bathing suits dry okay if you rinse them out in your sink and hang them on the line in the shower? I'm wondering if I could wring them out enough. Or do you place them out on the balcony - draped over a chair, out of sight. We have a sheltered balcony in July.

  12. Wow ladies, I didn't realize that there were so many of us that felt the same way about swimwear.


    After reading all your supportive posts, I did order the knee length swim shorts (almost the length of knee-knockers or pedal pushers - wow, how old am I?) and a tankini. I'm going for it! Now I just wish I had more time on the ship than the 5 night voyage I'm signed up for. Perhaps the Caribbean or a nice B2B will have a sale later in the year.


    The pool sounds lovely in the evening. I'm at the first sitting while you all are enjoying the pools.


    Cheers ladies!

  13. Thank you so much for all of your comments. It really did help me feel better about getting those swim shorts. I'm actually looking forward to trying out the spa now. Sitting here in below 0 Fahrenheit weather (actual, not wind chill) that warm spa is sounding mighty nice right about now.


    Thank you again. I really appreciate your help. Now shopping I shall go...


    Oooo I so love shopping for my voyages!

  14. I feel rather silly asking, but before I buy swimwear, I need to hear from some of my fellow lady travelers about their thoughts on this subject.


    I have an upcoming voyage (my 5th or 6th on QM2 so far) and I've never paid much attention to the pool areas, and have never utilized the spa. Mainly, because of my extreme self-consciousness about how I look in a swimsuit. Because of it, I haven't gone swimming since I was a teenager - unless it was in a private pool and I could cover up till entering...


    Well ladies, I've finally gotten up the nerve to try the spa pool, with some coaching and guidance from my SIL. But still feeling embarrassed about my lack of knowledge of proper spa swimsuit etiquette, my search for swimsuit attire did lead me to a nice option that I think even I could feel comfortable wearing (figuring that a full length ankle to neck wet suit would be out of place). I found what looks to be a bathing suit material shorts. Sort of like yoga pants, or leggings, but they're shorts. They have different lengths, but the ones I particularly like are just at the knee. And worn with a tankini top. They're advertised as swim shorts. They also have swim shirts, which are very nice, but I feel they're not quite long enough for me.


    Would I look silly or out of place if I wore these (knee length swim shorts) in the spa pool (or even the swimming pools if I got up enough nerve)? But I do want to point out that, even if I'm more comfortable wearing something like that, I would not be comfortable being out of place or looking just downright silly. I do care about that, and might need to look at a regular bathing suit and sarong if that's the case.


    What do woman (say, nearing 60 years old) wear at the spa pool?


    Thank you, and I look forward to your opinions.

  15. Hi,


    The shower was fairly spacious (by cruise ship standards). It was difficult to photograph but I have included my best photo below. Note that the shower door is double-hinged (it can swing open into the room or into the shower).





    Oh... that's what my SIL meant when she said her shower door swung both ways. I went and looked at mine, thinking it meant that it swings either from the left to the right (dummy me). Nope... (I thought to myself)... it only has hinges on one side.


    You should have seen me standing in my shower (with the door closed) trying to hand up my smalls on the laundry cord, and trying to figure out how to open the door (to the inside) without snapping the cord. Oh, it stretches by the way. Boy do I feel stupid.

  16. Or get your clothes from Bean's, since I find that I cannot wrinkle shirts from them, no matter how long it's rolled up in my bag.


    Well, the last I looked, Mr LL doesn't have beaded gowns... And yes, most of my day-wear clothes I wore were from there. Supima cotton tops, knit pants, and even the nice knit dresses from TravelSmith. Wrinkle resistant, however not wrinkle proof. Even packing and putting plastic between each layer, a wrinkle will find its way in there.

  17. ... As I said, the coffee makers the lines provide in the cabins are routinely tested, and I know of at least one that went up in flames in the electrician's shop during testing due to a faulty auto switch. ...


    Hello chengkp75... a fellow Mainah??


    Yes, I would guess that's where they differentiate between the two like appliances - is that they routinely test the coffee makers. Because anything can fail. But since we don't routinely test our home appliance (steamer) then it can be assumed that a steamer in this case is less safe than, say, the coffee pot/kettle that they have in the rooms.


    But you're right. The 'ask Cunard' site states the following:



    "Items not supplied by the Company containing any kind of heating element, such as but not limited to: immersion heaters, heating blankets, flat irons, water heaters, coffee machines with heating / hot plates, etc."



    Hey, maybe I can boil the water in the kettle (legally supplied in the room), and use the steam to get the wrinkles out of my gown. Yeah, I know... or just go into the laundry and use that darn iron...

  18. Each voyage that I've been on (about 5 or 6 QM2), I've traveled with a small personal hand held steamer. Although none of us wants to iron when on vacation, sometimes wrinkles in that pretty gown or flowing dress seems to appear, and it's a necessary evil to have to rid them. My showers are not long enough nor nearly hot enough to even generate enough steam should I hang the dress on the inside of the bathroom door.


    The steamer is quick, and not too big. About 11 x 6 inches. I would much rather use a steamer on my long chiffon/rayon heavily beaded dress then to risk an iron to it.


    I just got off QM2 last week, and luckily, it was not confiscated. I did just check the owner's manual, and it does have an auto-shutoff should it run dry. In the future, I'm going to pack that manual page that states that just in case there's any question.


    Perhaps a steamer might be a better choice for you than an iron in this case?

  19. Why would you want to leave Maine? :)


    I'm not a good traveler, and yes, I usually don't leave Maine... much. Maybe that's why I'm so naive about these new fan-dangled switches.


    It looks like QM2 stops at a new port in Rockland in 2018. I don't see any for Bar Harbor any more in the voyage (via destination) search. Too bad, as I'm sure people loved it.

  20. Thanks for posting this Mainewoods!


    We newby Cunarders need all the help we can get.:) And I am not familiar with this system (until now).:D




    You're very welcome AZNative2000. Enjoy your trip on Queen Victoria in a couple weeks. I see you've sailed many other lines, so it would be nice to hear your opinion on how she compares to those lines. I think you'll be hooked. I've never sailed on any other than QM2 though.

  21. Very nice photos indeed.


    In Quebec, it 'looks' like a beautiful day. But boy was it wicked cold and windy! Of the two voyages I took in October (the other one went to Bar Harbor), it was so cold. I've been in 30-below-zero weather that didn't feel that cold. We ended up cutting our walking tour/carriage ride short because of the biting wind.


    Seacruise9, Did you happen to hear the announcement from the captain stating that QM2 would sound her horn and would be greeted with a cannon shot (from where, the Citadel?) My SIL was up on the 13th deck and didn't hear the cannon.


    I rushed (ran up all the stairs) from deck 3 to deck 12 (boy was I ever pooped), and got stuck behind someone walking much slower than I on the 8th deck stairs. Just as I swung open the door on the 12th deck, I heard the last nano-second of the last QM2 horn. I also didn't hear a cannon shot.


    Those pictures make me want to board her again.

    Thank you for posting.

  22. Are the new "Do Not Disturb" cards more or less the same size as the room card?


    So you stick it in the key slot rather than hanging it on the knob?


    I think I saw one like that (in a European hotel :) ) but not onboard.



    Yes, you put the 'privacy please / make up my room' card right into the key slot on the outside of the door.


    The morning breakfast room service card still hangs on the knob.


    I was hoping to provide some good tips about that light card when I returned from my voyage, but apparently, I feel like the only person that's not seen them... go figure. I've never been on any other cruise line, and I don't travel internationally. I only go to NYC twice a year. Wow... I NEED to get out more!!!

  23. I was on the same voyage. I was in the single stateroom on deck 3.


    These are very nice too, but the deck 3 staterooms seem to have a little more floor space and the two large windows are a bonus. Your bathroom (sink) looks to be a little larger.


    I think Cunard did a fine job with both types of single staterooms.


    Thank you for posting such nice photos.

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