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Posts posted by BlackEyes

  1. Not sure if I have the same Billy Bob story or not ... but throughout our cruise to Alaska, I periodically saw this man with the "crazy" teeth. (I don't believe these were dentist-made, but rather the ones you can get out of a kid's vending machine.) Anyway, whenever he was near some kids, I'd see him slip these teeth in and "talk" to the kids in a silly manner to make them laugh. He was a riot.


    Toward the end of the cruise, I walked into the elevator and there he was!! Since I was with some kids, I saw him slip in his teeth. I couldn't stand it, I had to take a picture with him. He cracked me up.




    It also made me cracked me up at this one..You are right he had a crazy teeth..:D

  2. I did this for my husband's 40th birthday last year. We had so much fun with it. It got him LOTS of attention... :p



    Wow, That door decor is great and a nice surprise for your husband's b-day..If someone did the same thing for me i will really be happy and be surprise..

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