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Posts posted by emerald18

  1. I do still plan on posting - thanks for still following along!


    To make a long story short - I lost all my photos off my memory card. To say I was horrified would be an understatement. It has taken a while but I now recovered all the photos on a thumb drive which I can hopefully download onto an external site.


    I will try to get to them this week - thank you all for your patience.


    I do have photos of the cabin, aft balcony etc. The ones of the menus didn't come out very well but I will try to include those.


    So sorry to hear about the memory card but glad to hear that you managed to save your photos! I know how awful it is when you lose photos. Had a laptop stolen years ago and some family vacation photos that I thought were backed up weren't, so they are gone forever. Ugh.


    I'm looking forward to seeing your pics and hearing about your cruise when you are able to post it all! Thanks so much!

  2. Were you ever able to post pictures or a review? Would love to see Patters and menus from a 2015 cruise if you have them. Will be on the Coral SB this June and haven't found any Patters more recent than 2014 and only a few reviews from 2015. I LOVE reading everything I can find... these boards are so helpful!

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