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Posts posted by denarc

  1. On 4/9/2021 at 10:50 PM, NSWP said:

    We were on the last cruise of old Regal, out of LA to Sydney in September 2007. Great ship, we got hit by 12 metre (40 foot) seas off bottom of NZ, but she got us through it with a great Master, Capt Andrew Froude.

    Just saw your post--I was on it too. I remember the Captain on the ship intercom telling the passengers to stay in their cabins because we are now in ferocious seas. I was on the 15th deck seeing the bow of the ship going under the water and splashing up to 15th deck and totally covering the windows. It was quite a ride and I filmed it. I did meet another gentleman who was on the cruise and he said the waves were up to 70 feet.  It was an amazing experience!

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