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Posts posted by lovelearnteach

  1. 23405663_10210596126367020_6180769491415370133_o.jpg?oh=e9edc12363e5bfebc2e51040cb905063&oe=5A644A2B

    Pea soup (very good), Thai vegetables (yummy), Chicken Curry ( very good), Ham & cheese (made a little sandwich very yummy), Tacos (the shells were stale, I wouldn't get them again).





    Round 2 Cannelloni (very good), Mashed Potatoes and Gravy (very yummy), Turkey from the carving station (very tough and fatty, yuck) pasta in red sauce (very yummy) pasta in Roquefort cheese sauce (I didn't care for it all, the cheese overwhelmed the pasta and sauce).





    Terry and I shared these desserts, Coffee Mousse (good if a little strong in the coffee flavor) Chocolate Cream Puff (heavenly) Fruit Tart (the best dessert hands down the entire cruise in my opinion. I had one of these just about everyday, loved them) Cake Roll (Terry loved it, I didn't care for it) Chocolate Cake (again Terry loved it, I didn't care for it).

  2. 23518950_10210596098766330_7639523760375705461_n.jpg?oh=f3b3adffc22971b8de9a3959b2818213&oe=5A9948DA





    I've sailed on the Carnival Splendor.


    Despite it being overcast it was hot and humid. We never did go to the right of where you get off/on the tenders. It was lunch time by now and we were hot and tired so we headed back to the ship for lunch in the buffet.





    Trifecta of cruise ships. This is one of my favorite pix.



    When we got back to the cabin this was waiting for me. A free pic from our CC M&M.

  3. We went back to the cabin after breakfast and just chilled for awhile to let the crowds wanting to go ashore dissipate some. We eventually headed to the Eatly where you get your tender boarding number, then went to the lobby to wait for our number to be called to board the tender. It wasn't very long like maybe 10-15 minutes, and we got on the tender to go to George Town, Cayman Islands.











    Our first steps on Grand Cayman.

  4. I am throughly enjoying your review . Very detailed and I love all the photos .


    I wanted to chime in concerning the casino . When we sailed on the Divina in July there was a no smoking policy in casino and we saw it enforced several times . The only public smoking area was at the bar on the aft of the ship near the infinity pool .


    I sincerely hope they will not permit smoking on the Seaside in the casino . If there is smoking in there I will be saving lots of money !

    Thank-you so much your kind words are very much appreciated :).


    There is also a smoking room off the piazza, I believe. There was definitely smoking in half of the casino, and many were smoking up out on the open decks. Now if they were eventually told to stop or not I have no idea, but I did witness one time a fellow passenger complained to a group that were smoking and they shrugged it off and kept right on smoking.

  5. I just need to jump in here about the food poisoning. I am a microbiologist and was trained in epidermiological investigations at the CDC.



    From your symptons and those of others I read on your roll call, you are pointing the finger at the wrong foods and time frame.



    You sounds like you ate something that was contaminated by a bacteria that needed time to grow in your body and produce the symptons of diarrhea. The diarrhea would last until your body expelled the contaminated food stuff and bacteria (a short time in duration - less than a day). If you had eaten something that was contaminated by a toxin producing bacteria, the onset would have been more rapid and started with vomiting and having diarrhea kicking in later.



    Most likely, you ingested the item 12 -24 hours (or longer) before you became ill. What were you doing on Wednesday?



    Also, if there was a problem with a particular food stuff on the buffet, it would be fairly easy to identify when the group of people that became ill were questioned by the on board medical staff


    Thank-you for your opinion.

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