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Posts posted by swaco

  1. I was curious what your thoughts are concerning avoiding the six or 9 PM appointments and showing up at my time dining say five groups of five or six groups of six people. I am specifically interested in assuming that you tonight if we show up about the same time say 7 o'clock that we went probably be accommodated within a few moments of showing up assuming the same time every night for the duration of the cruise we don't need to have tables of 10 or so smaller groups could rotate what are your thoughts



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  2. Sorry I was using the voice to text but yes thanks for all the answers that hit it right on the nail looks like I'll probably go a couple weeks after you get off the boat but then really what would be the difference in savings had you waited another few months for a while sale maybe like $50 difference between now in a while sale down the road. While sailing out while. Wow sale not wild sale



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  3. I would imagine while you're on the boat towards the end of your crew is certainly can save a bundle of money but is it as soon as you step off the boat or is it within one week or a month before you lose a potential while credit or any type of credit for a cruise that might occur a year from now I'm sure you could not book further than a year from now and still get a sizable credit. Of course there's always a while sale that happens occasionally but it seems like there is some incentive to book while you're still on the boat but then we're not even sure if you want to cruise a year from now and just how big with that credit be to book on the boat anyway I know right now they're having some bigger credits than normal because of the Norrel virus issue but those credits only for cruises are booked this year not the first part of 2015



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  4. I see AT&T has a cruise package for the ships probably Sellier it see I think it's $120 for 50 MB but on the ship I was able to get $50 for I believe hundred minutes in the connection seem to be pretty faster pretty decent whereas the Sellier see was sort of slow. One of the big confusions seems to be want Urann or Thompson away from the ship of course you can use Wi-Fi if you find it but typically in every deal Caribbean island seems like there's different cell phone companies like Jamaica I believe it was digi cel and Grand Cayman or something else. But the big question remains will and up getting a small or big bill from the online Jamaican or Grand Cayman cell companies or will the AT&T global cruise package cover those data uses near the port while not close enough to the ship for celled you are at sea



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