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Posts posted by lv2cruz

  1. For our Feb.2017 cruise we flew into Miami. Used Lyft for the first time, ever. We had downloaded the app.prior to leaving.

    Within 3 minutes of our request we had a driver. Total cost to Ft. Lauderdale was $37.00 or $38.00. Private, fast and great service. Once the cruise was over again we requested a driver in Ft.Lauderdale right outside the cruise terminal. Arrived within 5 minutes. We stayed one night in South Beach post cruise. . Same price. Super easy and reliable. Highly recommend.

  2. Yesterday was a tough day. We had 16 foot seas making the ship very rocky. Many people, including staff, were complaining of seasickness. This is when having an aft cabin is not the best thing. It was really rolling in our room. We stayed in, ordered room service lunch, and slept most of the day.


    In the afternoon, as things started to calm, we made our way down to deck five and enjoyed some​ gelato. It's very good and reasonably priced at $4 for two scoops and $6 for four.


    We are the gelato sitting on the promenade deck with a lot of other sick passengers.


    After that we made it way too Cellar Masters. This has to be the most under utilized bar on the ship. I think most people are afraid if the Enomatic wine machines (not included in any drink package). However they also have an extensive wine list and microbrews. Many of these come in under the $13 premium drink package cap. And for those that are over, you only pay the difference. I had a great glass of 2012 Atalon Cabernet for only $1.


    For the beer folks, they had several Lagunitas brews including the Pils and a Little Sumpin Sumpin. There were a few Rogue beers also including an IPA. And then a lot of the regular beers you would expect, ie Anchor Steam, Stella, etc. They also had several hard ciders.


    For dinner, we went to Qsine. This was our first time there. Unfortunately my wife had not fully recovered from earlier in the day and was forced to leave early. I stayed and enjoyed some amazing food. It really is a lot of fun. I would recommend this place. Once they realized my wife was not returning, they prepared chocolate covered strawberries for me to take back to her. Top notch service.


    Today is mostly a sea day with a late arrival in San Juan. The seas are much more normal making a smooth ride.


    Sent from my SM-G935T using Forums mobile app


    Every night we ate dinner in Blu,except the first night we took advantage of the 30% off and ate in The Tuscan Grill.

    We discovered the Atalon Cab. We had the drink package so we never paid for it. Our waiter would just put a bottle at the table after the second night. We loved it! Great Cab most defiantly.

  3. Just did the same thing last month. We flew into Miami and needed to get to Ft.Lauderdale.

    Used Lyft ( just like Uber) $37.00 for the two of us. Took him literally 3 minutes to get to us. Dropped us off right where we needed to be.

    It was SO easy. We download the app. before we left. The day of departure getting off the ship we requested one again. It took him maybe 5 minutes. I was watching all the people stand there in the hot sun waiting for a shuttle and I thought,"thank goodness" we didn't have to.

    We stayed in South Beach for the night. I believe that was like $38.00 from the terminal to our hotel.

    This is easy, and no extra time involved waiting on a shuttle and cheap!

  4. I personally don't think it's for cutbacks. I think some people want the little extras and some don't. Why fill an ice bucket everyday if you are observing someone doesn't have the need or desire for it?

    In Aqua we were asked by our room attendant within the first 15 minutes of us getting into our room if we are going to be interested in Canapés on a daily basis. We said yes. I asked him where our sparking champagne was,he said "upon request". He explained to us they were finding some people don't want any of the little extras and I think it became wasteful. Some people don't drink alcohol and don't care for the champagne. I do know it could have been swapped out for wine as well.

    I may be wrong but that was our experience.

    We requested ice for everyday, we requested canapés for everyday and we picked the day we chose to have champagne on ice in the late afternoon. Our attendant was so very sweet, he even added a beautiful red rose and baby's breath in a vase as well. Maybe that's something new, I dunno-- did not have that last year!

    I do think it's time to get rid of the apples and oranges put on a plate. I saw so much of the fruit piled up in carts while rooms were being cleaned. It's a pretty presentation if you will but I think it gets wasted. Time for some changes!

  5. We were in the 02/19/2017 sailing in Aqua.

    Our room attendant said it needs to be requested otherwise they don't automatically do it,basically upon request. We requested for it to be filled once a day. He did it in the mornings while cleaning the cabin up.

  6. You are not going to win this one, this same poster derided lv2cruz in another thread basically saying because he or she is from NC they are homophobes.



    I did not catch that that statement was geared toward me currently living in N.C. That's rude and I can't stand when people make assumptions and don't even know a person. How are you deemed a homophobe simply because you state the truth,good,bad or ugly? Geeezzz!

    I am NOT a homophobe and spending most of my life in Calif. i deem myself to be pretty open minded. I really don't care what anybody is. You live in your world, I live in mine type of attitude. Just be respectful toward all, that's key.

    On this particular cruise the boundaries of social graces and respect toward 2,800 people sharing most of your common areas of space, suffice to say we're indeed crossed or blurred!

    This is not the norm,unless of course once again rules of life are being rewritten. Next, will we have to accept people having sex out in public for all to see?

    The overall "situation" as I will call it was just over the top and way to much in your face. I am by all means not saying the original poster may have acted inappropriately himself but SOME of his particular group and the other group for that matter were over the top, "I don't give a bleep what anybody thinks because this is my vacation, I paid for it" type of attitude. Alcohol,especially during out to sea days certainly did not help I believe. We missed Grand Cayman so we were really out to sea three different days.

    Like others have said and I believe this wholeheartedly, it is indeed called RESPECT and with more kids and a fair amount of teenagers than usual (I'm comparing this based on going on the same cruise at the same time last year) some of the behavior was over the top excessive and speaking for myself, was not what I anticipated my cruise to be like.

    One last and final word, you can tell from the older gentleman gay couples who did NOT act in inappropriate ways. It seemed to be the younger ones and given that younger men only. The woman couples NEVER acted inappropriately.

    Bottom line, it's respect for all of us in this big,shared world that we live in.

  7. To the original poster---I was as also on the cruise too. I will agree on some of your review--food late at night not so great, room service not good. Staff, beyond attentive, respectful and down and outright nice,all of the time! Great ship and will defiantly go again. Thumbs up to Celebrity.

    Please allow me to tell the other side of the story. On to the group you were a part of since you have identified your self as the group with the "beards".

    Your "group" and the "gay group" made it very well known from the get go that it's your vacation and nothing was going to stop you all from acting inappropriately at times on this ship.

    Heterosexual couples do not engage in over the top touchy-feely,carresssing,cuddling up with sweet kisses all over ones face and neck with each other in public. I also witnessed three men at one time all intertwined ( on the lounges at the pool area) of which 3 men were caressing each other. 3????? This is not the norm in today's society for anybody.

    I don't care who is gay,straight,bi or whatever but when these two groups put it in everyone's face to the point of not caring what is acceptable in today's society on how to act in public settings then there's a problem.

    This is not normal behavior for ANYBODY and these groups as you have so identified really didn't care as it was your vacation too.

    It's called respect, and yes family's with kids didn't need to see this.

    In Blu,my husband and I witnessed a group of men leaving as they were done with their dinner.They seemed joyful and happy, giggling on out the door. All is well. All of a sudden on their way out they are giggling like teenage girls grabbing each other's asses. Not cool.

    Another night, at Blu a man wearing a t.shirt with a saying in it:

    "It takes balls to be a fairy."

    Or another one, " parking in rear".

    I can go on and on but I have made my point.

    Did it ruin our cruise or did we complain about this,no.

    Did we engage in conversation with some men at the Martini bar,or by the pool yes. Very nice when one is acting with respect to all. Very pleasant men.

    My point is, some behavior some of the time was inappropriate and unacceptable done by some men in these groups. Enough said from " the other side".

  8. I use to think cruisers were a wonderful group of people, I am now questioning that. Seriously people you are all so heartless. If indeed two people passed away, regardless of how they might have died, have some compassion for them and their families. Just for one minute try to think about someone else and put yourselves in their shoes.




    Seriously!!! Thank you. People worry about their vacation being ruined and people die all the time in ships? Where do people get their information or " misinformation? Disheartening to say the least.

  9. Yes, people will be in jeans. Usually you see the nicer/darker jeans. However on my last Carnival cruise a young girl (teens) have on jean cut-off shorts and a cropped shirt. They made an announcement that night to not wear shorts.


    We found people to be dressed very casual.


    Perfect,thanks CruisingGatorGirl. I had a feeling it's become more casual than in the past.

    I was thinking along the same lines,darker jeans.

  10. I am cruising in early January going on the Eastern Caribbean itinerary aboard the Carnival Liberty. I have not cruised in 3 years but through out the years have sailed Carnival 4 times. To the best of my knowledge it was always a " no jeans" policy for the dining room. Reading on the Carnival website I see that jeans ( of course no cutoffs) is now acceptable dining attire in the main dining rooms.

    I don't recall this always being the case.

    With that being said,how often Do you see people in jeans?

    When I saw people in jeans in the past I always thought " they are not following the rules" !

    Now that it is acceptable my question is how often do you see people in jeans? I must admit I love my jeans with a dressy top and heels but just want to make sure it's more common and acceptable than in the past.

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