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Posts posted by cloudshoveller

  1. Tammyrs: What fun to overlook everything from the balcony and create a special memory that you will always have between just you and your son. (You have me craving hot wings and margaritas, tee hee)


    LynnAB: I have heard lots about Labadee, but hadn’t heard of Malfini. I just Image Googled it and the beach and water look amazing. I can’t imagine what it was like to actually be there!


    Suenruss: Isn’t that one of the most beautiful buildings that exists? It must have been so breathtaking to see it in person and be where all that history actually took place.


    Libertylover: Is there anything like the excitement of a child!?! Thank you for sharing that precious memory of your last communication with your Mom, it really touched my heart.


    Mike: I loved the memory you shared because I always wonder about cruisers that experience hurricanes and here you really ‘turned lemons into lemonade’. My Husband and I have watched a couple shows about that aquarium on the Discovery channel and it looks absolutely stunning. The maintaining of it is fascinating… How wonderful you got to experience it up close!

  2. My Dad has to take a cell phone everywhere he goes as he is on the wait list for a kidney. This will be the 2nd transplant for him (his first kidney rejected after 8 years) and it is getting down to the wire. A phone call will literally mean life or death.


    I agree with posters that if you CAN unplug from technology the benefits are amazing though. I live on the internet so to go without is very difficult but I do find after a few days my mind starts to think differently and you experience peace in a way that isn't possible being plugged in. :cool:


    Both ways are fine of course. I just highly reccomend trying both if you can to compare the difference!

  3. BookishAngel: That is amazing! I don't even know you and yet I am so proud of you for achieving that milestone and at such a young age! That was an incredible goal to set and reach. You must be thinking of new exciting thing to plan for now...


    CB: That sounds heavenly. Being newbies my husband and I want to 'see the world' but we need to remember to stop and just "be" sometimes too. I wanted to know if 'no excursion days' brought people joy so thanks for answering.


    BorisBuddy: I can see why you loved that day. I am an animal lover extreme so I would have found that so special too. I am glad you got to experience that. You motivated me to search it out, so I found the website: http://www.alaskaraptor.org/ It's neat because they have it so you can even donate online. Thanks for telling me about that!

  4. I'm still in the planning stages of our first cruise, but I will share with you an event that is legend and gets re-told often in our family.


    My Aunt and Uncle were going on a cruise for their anniversary. They were having my Grandparents babysit my two cousins, one whom was a baby and a six-year old boy.


    My Aunt and Uncle took my Grandparents out for dinner pre-cruise to thank them. My Aunt was paying for the bill and everyone else walked out of the restaurant onto the sidewalk in front.


    My Uncle felt something wet and smelt something. He pulled my cousin away from his chest to see that her diaper had leaked all down the front of his suit and white shirt. My Grandpa who was standing beside him, turned and saw this and immediately lost his dinner onto the sidewalk.


    My six-year-old cousin -who to this day is totally a sympathetic puker - saw my Grandpa throw up and he too lost his meal on the curb.


    By this time my Uncle and my Grandma are killing themselves laughing. My Grandma sits down on the sidewalk and literally pees herself and her dress and coat laughing.


    My Aunt came walking out of the restaurant onto this scene and stood there with her mouth open trying to figure out what could have happened in the few minutes since she had last seen them!

    • Haha 1
  5. What is the best day in port you have ever had on a cruise?


    I'm not asking for specific names of companies you went with on excursions with etc...(unless you want to) but I'm asking more for what the "experience" of it was like.


    What port was it in? Did you go even go on tours or did you just spend the day relaxing in port? What made it so memorable?


    Thanks in advance to anyone who feels like sharing their nice memories and experiences (and thus wisdom) :) with me.

  6. I am killing myself laughing but I am also very seriously hoping that my husband does not read this board and think that any of this would be fun/funny to do on our first cruise! :p

  7. Thanks for sharing your experience on the boards! I'm sorry you had to go through that on your vacation but I'm glad you are letting the rest of us know. I know that I don't want to be dealing with that on my dreamed of vacation so I very much appreciate the "heads up"!:eek:

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