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Posts posted by DrFood

  1. Hi

    This will be our first cruise out of San Juan and on Adventure of the Seas. We've got a couple of questions if someone wouldn't mind answering/giving advice.


    1. We are assigned to Cabin M-8377. Has anyone stayed in that cabin or in that vicinity? How is the motion in the ocean for this location?

    2. Everyone we read that the cabins have "internet access". Can't find the charge should we want to partake. HOPEFULLY NOT!

    3. On the Sunday return to San Juan do you think it would be a safe bet to plan on flying back on a 4:40 PM Southwest flight? We really would prefer not to have to stay an extra night in San Juan if we can avoid it.


    THanks for everyone's input. If I posted this in the wrong spot please let me know and I will move it.

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