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Posts posted by fg159

  1. I may not be able to cancel this cruise but I sure am going to cancel my future cruises. The way this was communicated or lack of communication by Oceania was not good. I can understand their concerns but disagree with how they communicated this to so called valued customers. I was on the phone with customer service on another matter and just happened to ask about the stops in Israel. Simply refused to say anything and told me to speak yo my travel agent who knew nothing about it.

    They at a minimum need to review their policy on communicating port changes especially the ports they know are important for even booking the cruise.

    I spend a condsupiderable amount of money and should at a minimum as a customer be told when I am on the phone with them. Poor customer service I have been loyal to them but this was not showing respect to a customer

  2. It is very unfortunate that there is conflict world wide and especially in the Mid East and the Ukraine

    Having traveled to many parts of the world often there is always danger. Just like when you visit any American city.

    I refuse to ket the terrorist win just like I refuse to ket the thugs in our country to determine pwhere I travel. I will of course tske pre caution no natter where I go .

    I am schedule to be on a cruise that does stop in Israel. I am hoping that the ports are not cancelled

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