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Posts posted by SeaGeorgia

  1. Premier Parking Ventures incompetence has prompted me to write a BAD review for the first time.


    My family, including my elderly mother, had to endure a difficult and unprofessional experience. First, their vans, buses or whatever they choose to use that day will NOT be labeled Premier Parking, they will be labeled KSA. Lot #58 is exactly where you would NOT to be on your own. There are homeless people sleeping in cardboard boxes just outside their lot. Having to wait there on that street was NOT pleasant.


    I had to park my own vehicle at the very back of their lot. I had to leave my family by the street with all the luggage. Although their staff helped put the luggage on a little trailer and off of it, that was the extent of their involvement. We were offered no help in getting our luggage out of our vehicle or back to our vehicle. The trip to the port was relatively uneventful and I actually tipped the driver.


    Insert nice cruise on Carnival Breeze here.


    After having to wait for what seemed like hours for a pickup at the port, I started approaching their KSA vans all over the port facilities. I was told they were dropping off other passangers and they would be back for us later. Well those drivers didn't tell the truth. Keep in mind that a van going to the infamous Lot #58 could pick us up. Finally, after having to raise my voice with a driver, we got a ride back to Lot #58.


    Our luggage was unloaded on the sidewalk at lot #58. My vehicle was at the opposite side of the lot. Vehicles were parked every where. which allowed me only one way in or out. I had to back my vehicle several hundred feet to get it out. Then with all the activity going on I had to drag our luggage with no assistance off the street, where the bus stopped, around the fence to where I could find a place to stage my vehicle. All with absolutely no assistance. By-the-way, listening to their employees (drivers) yell at each other sure didn't instill confidence in their operation either. After a nice relaxing trip. I guess we were offered this stress to get us back into our real lives.


    Never again will we use Premier Parking Ventures.


    In fact our overall experience makes me never want to return to the port of Miami either. You can catch a cruise from Jacksonville, Cape Canaveral, Ft. Lauderdale or Tampa. Why would I ever hassle with this crap again?

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