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Posts posted by snydermann

  1. whine whine whine (I am just playing with you)..:D


    try strapping yourself into a corset...or navagate down stairs in stellettos.. trouble - yeah ..pain in the butt - you bet.


    How do you know I haven't? :p:p Try finding size 13 stellettos sometime! (lol).


    I see from your counter you're leaving on your cruise in a day and a half! Shouldn't you be packing that corset and stellettos instead of teasing me!!??:p


    Have a great trip!

  2. Except for the heels and makeup, I wish I could wear a dress. It takes my wife all of 5 minutes to slip on her outfit. At best it weighs all of eight ounces and her few undergarments look like they weigh nothing. A dress looks pretty comfy and well ventilated to me. I could almost ball up her whole outfit and fit it in my shoe. Takes the better part of a suitcase to fit two of my suits. :p

  3. When appropriate, I prefer a sport coat and slacks over a suit. I feel I have more options for expressing my individual style by mixing and matching different separates and shoes. Suits, with the exception of the tie, look cookie-cutter to me. I really don't want to look like the next guy.


    When the situation dictates that I should wear a suit, of which I only own two, I make sure they fit impeccably and are constructed of the best materials. I buy my suits at the GW or TS in the rich part of town and spend a lot having them tailored. My last suit cost the original owner $2200.00, but only cost me a total of $400.00 even after tailoring. I guess he gained weight right after buying it :eek:, the tags were still in the pocket.


    I also have a tux with two jackets. This cruise I will be bringing my tails, top hat and cane, just because I can (plus, we're driving to the port, not flying).


    I believe dressing well shows respect for others, this is what my grandfather told me years ago.


    I also dress well in an attempt to approach the same league as my beautiful wife. I'm not going to be the "what the hell was SHE thinking" look of a husband. This way when I dress up I'm the "he must have money" husband . . . :). (Not, but fake it till you make it they say).


    Yes, we do believe those that choose to dress down reduce the overall experience. How much fun would a Halloween party be if no one arrived in costume because it was too much trouble?

  4. A watch or phone with an alarm feature:


    I can't count the number of times we've missed a shipboard activity because we got sidetracked doing something else. Set the alarm so that you won't miss the 4pm towel folding demonstration.


    Plastic kitchen trash bag(s):


    We've used these for laundry storage, emergency luggage, rain poncho, makeshift ice chest, tie straps, plastic wrap, barf bag (in trash can next to bed for sick kids), and of course, as a trash bag.


    Plastic grocery bags:


    We pack our luggage with like items in grocery bags. Shoes in one bag, underwear in another, socks in one, shirts, shorts (you get the idea) are all folded and slid into bags. Makes unpacking go easy and keeps items clean. The grocery bags often come in handy then during the trip. The bags may also isolate and protect items in the event your smuggled alcohol leaks.:p


    Make friends with your room steward:


    These folks live on the ship every day and we've found there isn't anything they can't get done or find for you, even if they ask one of their crew member friends. We've had broken eye glasses fixed, clothing mended, a high heel repaired, located a stapler, replaced a watch battery, found scotch tape, Superglue, limes, and had room problems fixed instantly. We even got help when we had a laptop glitch. We make a few easy requests (like limes to start) and a generous tip is included at the time of the request. A super-friendly attitude goes a long way too.




    We pack as much as we want that will fit comfortably in one bag per person. If we have the room in the luggage we might as well use the space. You never know when you'll rip or spill something on your one pair of dress slacks.


    And last but not least:


    Join the balcony club and renew your membership daily.

  5. I hate that my dog isn't allowed on the cruise. He has voluntered to help the staff clean up the floor in the Windjammer. ;) He'd be great!!


    LOL! We love that, great idea, We wouldn't even mind pooches on the cruise and we're not "dog" people in particular.


    Consider us two votes for "good dogs" on cruises.


    We have a parrot, we'd love to bring him along.

  6. A cruise would be the perfect vacation without the people.


    Okay, 5% of the people.


    Here is a partial list that make me ashamed to be part of the human race and/or ashamed of my nationality.


    Hands down my #1 complaint is the incredible amount of food wasted at the buffet. I can't help but walk past those empty tables piled with food and want to ask the diners . . . why? Maybe it's none of my business, but if so many people didn't waste so much food the cruise might be less expensive for everyone else. My travel companions and I are always members of the clean plate club, on purpose. If there is the possibility I won't like something, I will only take a tiny sample. Maybe some people don't understand that the buffet isn't one-trip only, you are allowed to return for seconds rather than waste the firsts. I read that some cruises don't have trays at the buffet anymore. That's a step in the right direction. If you don't want the pigs to waste so much give them a smaller trough.


    Passengers rude or condescending to the staff. How about a "please" and "thank you" rather than an order. Enough said.


    Passengers rude or condescending to fellow passengers. A cruise is a social and public vacation. If you don't realize that going into the trip and can't behave with respect and manners then just go hiking in the middle of nowhere.


    Passengers with no self-respect. You dress for yourself and the respect of others. We don't care to see your sweaty muscle shirt and hairy armpits in the dining room. Is it too much to ask to take one minute checking your wardrobe and not look like a slob? It's one thing to be comfortable but you don't have to look sloppy to do so. We have to look at you, you don't. Show some respect and represent.


    Passengers with unsupervised and/or misbehaving children. It's not a vacation from parental responsibility. Maybe you are immune to your kid's behaviors, we're not. Throttle your brats or take them to Wallyworld.


    Passengers who won't follow the rules. Didn't we learn that in kindergarten? Don't block the stairwells disembarking means don't block the stairwells disembarking. Pay attention during the muster drill . . . and probably 100's of other misdemeanors that passengers feel exempt from following. I'd love to be hall monitor with disciplinary impunity for the duration of the trip.


    Passengers who can't quit their bitching and keep their negativity to themselves. None of the passengers want to hear it, don't bring me down with your complaints.


    Speedos and Bikinis on people who should not wear speedos and bikinis. Gross.


    Passengers who leave their trash anywhere on the ship they feel like. Is it that much to ask that you take your empty glasses/dirty dishes to the nearest bar or at least a dining table?


    Passengers who block or disrupt normal passenger flow on the ship. If you must stop in the middle of the crowded hallway during the stampede to the buffet, how about moving to the side? Keep to the right when walking, right? I find the face-to-face dance annoying when you can't keep to my left.



    As for the cruise for the sake of the cruise? I've never found anything worth complaining about.

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